The Sorry State of the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

The Sorry State of the Democratic Party


They managed to plaster over the signs of rot and decay by putting Obama at the head of their party, but the erosion of relevance has become undeniable and all that is left now is to diagnose where the party of progressives became so regressive.

Kevin Williamson’s recent column goes a long way to summing up the path to nowhere that they are currently on.


12 Comments on The Sorry State of the Democratic Party

  1. Lazlo’s parents were Kennedy Democrats. Until Carter.
    My parents were factory workers in the aerospace industry. My Old Man always went on about “lookin’ out for the workin’ man”
    The Democrat party is now the domain of the Nazi Left.

  2. I can’t believe you linked to this asshole. So I read his bullshit and was struck by this, which perfectly exemplifies his cluelessness, “Trump’s lack of conservative principle is unwelcome…”

    Really? Unwelcome? Unwelcome to who? You? Fuck you, you fucking #neverTrump. Butbutbut HE FUCKING WON dick. He almost got more electoral votes then McCain & Romney COMBINED(306-379) in one election!

    While you’re at dickbreath, please tell me about all of those traditional values that conservative principles have successfully stood for….I’ll wait.

    Fact is, “conservative principles” can’t even keep pervs out of women’s bathrooms, can they? I’ll go with a guy that knows a pussy from a sac, mmmk?

    Fucking dick is worthless-last time I’ll read his horseshit. NR can join The NYT is the final big swirly. Throw in WaPo and The Weakly standard while you’re at it. You might as well direct me to the musings of preschoolers and their preferences for one kind of diaper over another.

  3. @MM then don’t read it.

    I thought Williamson mades a good point on the Democrat party being run by a bunch of scoldy old ladies now, but you go ahead and rigidly condemn all that don’t exactly align with your choice of presidential candidate.

    The election is over, Trump won a tremendous victory, but that doesn’t mean you have to ever move forward and give credit to a good column when it’s presented. Just stay bitter and keep trying to destroy those who probably agree with a number of the same issues important to you.

  4. if we all listened to the GOPe, & their sycophants, we’d be looking at 4 more years of the Marxtards in charge & bemoaning the fact that we had to go out & vote for another wimp RINO loser in Jeb!
    the ONLY reason the Republicans won is DONALD J. TRUMP … now they’re all trying to latch on to his coat tails (like Mittens) & pretend they were the King-makers & were behind Trump all along
    I can only put this as mildly as I can ….. FUCK OFF!, you weasels …. I am so sick of these professional excuse-makers …. they are helping to ruin the country just as surely as the Marxtards are

  5. “Beginning with the nomination of Barry Goldwater, and thanks in no small part to the efforts of many men associated with this magazine, the Republican party spent half a century as a highly ideological enterprise. … The GOP had a very good run of it as a highly ideological enterprise.”

    I second the motion: WHAT AN A§$H*LE.

    Williamson sucks. NRO sucks HARDER.
    *Why* defend these Quislings, Tar?

    And yes, I read it and completely disagree: it’s NOT the “little old white girls’ ” fault; it’s the growing corruption and enslavement to Marxism of the Democrats which has destroyed them in that same period of time as the GOP got co-opted by thier own branch of internationalists/globalists.

  6. Sorry Doc but I’ve got a long memory and this asshole was just as bad as Romney, if not, if possible, worse.

    He mocked the people and values that Trump made an issue of by saying that towns that have had all of their manufacturing leave for greener pastures deserve to dry up and blow away. That those people need to forsake their homes, their culture and just pack up and move some where else.

    And if they have to deal with the reality that they’re no longer worth a shit & need meth or heroin to cope, well tough shit, they’re not too smart to begin with.

    That guy? That’s what you have to make a point about REgressives? I know the dems are in hair on fire mode and appreciate the yeoman’s everyone here does. I certainly didn’t mean to get rat assy with you.

  7. Gee Wally, democRats have worked hard to lie their collective asses off and turn population centers into burned out, rat-infested, run down, poverty-stricken, stinking ghettos as their primary voter block. As the party of the worthless, belly-aching, federal tit-sucking parasite, doesn’t it make sense that it would finally happen to the party itself?

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