The Sound of a Dust Devil Recorded on Mars – IOTW Report

The Sound of a Dust Devil Recorded on Mars

The AP released it, and I’m pretty sure the A in AP stands for asshole.

Some dipwad thought they had to spice up the clip with shitty New Age music, because, well, they thought it was boring so they figured everyone else would be bored.

So, instead of getting lost in the sound from a distant planet, we hear it with the musical droning by some pretentious dude with feathered hair and a poet shirt.

Morons abound-

7 Comments on The Sound of a Dust Devil Recorded on Mars

  1. So, if there is an atmosphere on Mars then there must be some kind of organic life producing the elements that make up whatever constitutes the level of oxygen/nitrogen there is. It doesn’t just create itself. I suppose Elon Musk will have to get us there to learn more. It sure as shit won’t be Democrats doing it unless the flight crew are all mutant fartknocker transgender rump rangers.

  2. July 29, 1958, United States–On July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

    What did we get out of it besides velcro these past 65 years trying to get off this planet, and they have failed repopulating any planet but earth. Why do they think God made planets unsuitable for humans? Satan isn’t allowed on any planet but earth, and this is where the final battle will be fought.

  3. P.S. I’ve heard recordings of the sounds on Mars. Big whoop. I still think they’re pissing up a rope. I’m not so sure about Musk, is he playing both sides of the street? I still haven’t joined Twitter, I refuse to give them my phone number. What do they need that for other than to track me.


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