The Sound of Despicable People – IOTW Report

The Sound of Despicable People

This is not hard to figure out. The left goes after anything that is not a left-wing “thing.” They go after anything that is a right-wing “thing.”

The left bashing The Sound of Freedom is astonishingly honest. They hate being called pedos and groomers, yet, they still can’t back a movie that is about protecting children from sex-trafficking.

12 Comments on The Sound of Despicable People

  1. Can we get Daffy Duck to be the official spokesduck every time anyone says, “You’re despicable.” And then take them and out and shoot them like Elmer Fudd does. And make sure it so you can’t really kill them so it can be done over and over again every time someone says, “You’re despicable.” Sometimes I swear life imitates Looney Tunes except in real life people always die or get hurt when they’re shot over and over again. “Would you like to shoot me now or shoot me later.” BAM! And joey and the democraps are the most despicable bunch of all.

  2. Would it matter if Caviezel was formerly a high ranking member of the KKK (he’s not, but Democrat icon Robert Byrd was) and starred in a film about child trafficking? Would it matter if Sound of Freedom overstated the child trafficking problem by 35%? The theme of the film is child trafficking and that child trafficking is evil – a theme that is true because child trafficking is evil.

    In prisons world wide, “short-eyes” are targeted by other imates because they hate pedophilia and child molestation- meaning that at least in this area the worst of our population has a better moral compass than CNN, NPR, Rolling Stone and MSNBC. Disney, a conglomerate that was build on catering to children as its target audience, sat on Sound of Freedom for 5 years until they sold the distribution rights to someone else. The film and its subject matter are disturbing – and it should be.

  3. I’ve notice the Undercover, Underage program on ID deals exclusively with men seeking underage girls. The show would be cancelled overnight if they showed a homo pedo man seeking a boy.

  4. You know those special packets of money that banks keep handy for armed robberies? The ones that explode and mark the robber with a purple powder or dye so that everyone can plainly see that they are criminals who have robbed a bank?

    That’s what the despicable people are doing to themselves when they mock, denigrate and object to a documentary film that exposes child sex trafficking. Their objections mark them in the same way.

    Our God is so awesome! Not only is the timing of this film’s release perfect, the story of how it was delayed has ensnared some of the biggest perpetrators of child exploitation in the U.S.

    And now a writer/actor strike and Angel Studios is exempt. Do you think people will be eager to watch season 4 of The Chosen this winter when theaters are showing films that are 20, 30, and 50 years old and everyone already has the DVD? How very awesome is our God!


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