The South Will Rise Again With a Fruity New Flag! – IOTW Report

The South Will Rise Again With a Fruity New Flag!

An NPR program, Studio 360, decided to help the South get over it’s irrational attachment to the past and designed a new flag for the region.


 It could be worse I guess, it could have been this one.


I wonder what they’ll call the design.


35 Comments on The South Will Rise Again With a Fruity New Flag!

  1. I have had a Confederate battle flag folded in my dresser drawer for 50 years. It has never flown, might be time to run it up the flagpole.
    These assholes are starting to piss me off.

  2. Wow, I’m really glad our fiscal and monetary problems, the whole mess in the Middle East, and the thorny issue of immigration have been solved so we can spend our time and attention on this diversionary crap.

    But then again, that’s the point…

  3. I have a homemade Confederate battle flag that a HS girlfriend made for me. I used to have hanging on the wall inside. But it has been years. A couple of months ago she contacted me thru FB and asked if I still had it. She had been asked what was the most unusual gift you have given a boyfriend. I went and dug it out.
    it is dated Dec 25 1980 so going on 35 yrs. Guess yours is older than mine.

  4. The quickest and surest way to kill this design’s acceptance would be for the Klan to adopt it as their standard. The progturds wouldn’t know whether to fart or wind their wristwatches they’d be so hot and bothered.

  5. I never owned a Confederate Flag in my life … until a couple of months ago. When the ferals started feigning offense and Amazon buckled and quit carrying them, I got one from Cooter’s which is positioned on the side of my garage.

    Fuck these revisionist, hate-America cocksuckers.

  6. Where can I buy one. . . . so I can burn it. Right along with the rainbow flag, and the ISIS black flag.
    Record it all, and post on YouTube. Stir that pot, but GOOD!
    Then watch the hate sparks fly!

  7. A young (liberal) guy in our office asked me last week which woman I would like to see on the $10 bill. I told him I don’t care, that we have bigger issues as country to worry about, and named a few. He looked a little hurt, and I just walked back to my office.

  8. Next time some Libtard asks about “which woman to put on the currency”, tell them Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged). Then step back and watch Libtard heads go ‘splody.

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