The Speech Trump Should Have Made – IOTW Report

The Speech Trump Should Have Made

Excuse my audacity, but I feel this is the speech that should have been made-

It’s a wonderful sight to see all of you here today, my fellow concerned, and wonderful and amazing Americans.

As I stand here I am thinking about the term “the most powerful person in the world.” It’s often said that that is what the American president is. Ostensibly, that is who I am.

But I am not. It’s true.

Do you know who is?

No, not Mark Zuckerberg. (chuckles)

It’s this man right over there (points to random person in the crowd.)

And it’s this woman, right over here (points to random person in opposite direction.)


Well, it’s all of you. You have the power to choose the person who you charge with running the most powerful nation on earth.

That is a lot of power. That is quite a privilege. You have that power. A president only rises to that seat through you.

That is why we are here today. You and I are here to try and preserve the power you once possessed. This is not about me. Not by a long shot. Presidents come and go. But while I am still here, it is my duty to see to it that you, the American people, keep your power, and we preserve this powerful voice.

It’s a dark day that it has to come to this. The American citizen should never have to question whether their voice is heard, or has been quashed or stolen. You are in charge. You are.

I love the exuberance of this crowd, but in all honesty, this is not a Trump rally. It’s not. Those were fun, but now is not the time for that.

I think what would be more befitting of what’s at stake here is for everyone to be mournful, solemn, holding a candle, symbolic of the possible death of millions of powerful voices.

All that is asked is that the people in that building over there (points to the Capitol) respect, and honor, your rightful power. You’re the boss.

You are, and you, and you, and you (pointing throughout crowd.)

And how that can be achieved today is for a thorough investigation into election malfeasance be launched.

Yes, you’re conspiracy theorists, tinfoil hat wearing kooks, so they say. But above all, you are powerful American citizens, millions strong, who feel firmly that you’ve been usurped, robbed, undermined, disrespected.

The nation doesn’t heal under these circumstances.

We demand to present our evidence and argue our case for widespread voter fraud.

If we are heard, and the evidence is not convincing, so be it. This will lead to a peaceful transfer to the next administration, and satiate the troubled minds of millions.

If the evidence is convincing, we will have the opportunity to heal what the actual affliction is in this country. The wound and divide will be revealed. It’s not that there are different philosophies amongst you, the powerful, it’s that there is a thirst for absolute power by criminals who will stop at nothing to achieve it.

And they will pay.

Thank you.

17 Comments on The Speech Trump Should Have Made

  1. Glad to see you BFH. Your speech is much better than the speech I just listened to that sounded more like a hostage repeating what they’re told.

    This country isn’t going to heal and the anger is not going to go back in the bottle nor is the knowledge that we are the enemy of the government. What is going to happen I do not know, are people just going to cower and end up being Venezuela digging through trash cans for food? Are they going to just make us all disappear by picking us off one by one? Are the people going to coming together and fight back?

    As long as you aren’t a mask wearing sheeple lining up for your shot, I will feed you if I’m not one who disappears. I have a list though that includes former friends and even family that don’t know how to feed themselves if it doesn’t come wrapped or canned at the grocery store that are mask wearing sheeple lining up for their shots that I blame a lot for where we’re at that will dig through trash cans for food.

    I feel more like you people I’ve never met are more family than the majority of my blood family right now outside of my husband, kids and grandkids.

  2. Old Racist White Woman JANUARY 7, 2021 AT 8:10 PM

    My Sister died 4 years ago.

    You are her incarnation, no doubt.

    You’ll always be welcome in my camp. Can’t say that for everyone that posts here.

  3. Old Racist White Woman – You are right about the shot. I’m feel like I’m being coerced at work to take the shot. I know my name will be on the “trouble” list. It’s MUD now, that’s for sure. I’m still on probation. Have only been there since Oct. 2020. Pray everyday!!

    God Bless us all!

  4. Well said. I think at this point, though, that Trump could have stood up there and spoken the words to “Imagine”, and goddam Jake Tapper and pinhead Erick Erickson would have screamed “INCITEMENT TO INSURRECTION HITLER!”

    Really, they and their fellow pillow-biters have been on the ragged edge worse than us for the past two months. Guilty people are like that. Columbo knows.

  5. “I feel more like you people I’ve never met are more family than the majority of my blood family right now outside of my husband, kids and grandkids.” – Old Racist White Woman

    @ORWW – I know that feeling. (Having since wandered into this place only some years ago.)

    To the degree I want YOU, and others I have met traveling this IOTW, to be ‘in my boat’, on my SHIP, when any future shit goes down.

    “If we are heard, and the evidence is not convincing, so be it. This will lead to a peaceful transfer to the next administration, and satiate the troubled minds of millions.

    If the evidence is convincing, we will have the opportunity to heal what the actual affliction is in this country.” – BFH

    @BFH – my mind will not be ‘satiated’…And the word “if” and evidence? In order for evidence to be heard, there must be a willing Judiciary. Could be municiple, state or Federal.

    And we do NOT have that. An arm, or branch, of government that does not function takes care of those dam effing ‘ifs’.

    IF, you posted Kipling a week or so ago, that’s it, that’ how, well at least, how I feel.

    “They will pay” – you need to write a Part Deux about how???


  6. Exactly. They didn’t cheat him; they cheated us –all 70 million+ of us. Probably stole our votes and the whole election; definitely stole our faith in the system and our future.

  7. Trump’s speech as well as yours’ Hat, aren’t within a million miles of what I wanted to hear. Huge disappointment to have come so far to hear the same blather. There was no need for another repeat of the litany of frauds. Got it, heard it.

    The evidence is overwhelming. Arrests of cheating vote counters should have begun on Nov4. Too late now of course.

    Trump will be hounded the rest of his life, surely he knows that. He had the power to upturn the power structure in DC. He had 4 years. He was the best president I’ll ever see and was gifted with unimaginable power. He didn’t use it.

    It’s over. They brazenly stole the election in GA in our face again. Stopped counting, found just enough votes and whacha gonna do ’bout it chumps? There will never be another honest election in our lifetimes. NEVER.

    And with the coming legalization of 30+ Million illegal aliens already here with millions more a coming, they won’t even need Dominion voting machines.

    From now on, and any pol with 2 brains cells knows this, acquiescence to TPTB is the mandatory 1st step if you want to enter the circle of power.

    The likes of Hawley will soon be gone, can’t have any peaky, even if minimal, oppo. The new paradigm for pols ostensibly “fighting” for us is Tom Cotton.

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