The sports industry is in deep sh^t – IOTW Report

The sports industry is in deep sh^t


Outkick: The sports industry is in deep shit. 

Since March, I’ve partnered with the largest data collection, analytics and AI company in America to understand the economic fallout from the Coronavirus (and subsequent lockdowns) + the Black Lives Matter protests and riots. 

Our four national consumer data insights reports analyzed 200,000+ consumer surveys, matched it to 200 million+ consumers, 550 million connected devices, and tracking 10 billion daily online decisions– all in one database.

Some startling insights have emerged in the data showing a major disruption to a number of industries.  

How is this impacting the business of sports? These two generational earthquakes (occurring within three months) has disrupted their entire economic model in more ways than you think. more

48 Comments on The sports industry is in deep sh^t

  1. I hope the NFL {and others} screws themselves right out of their careers. Snotty jerks are going to lecture the public about race relations and demand that the third rate mulatto Kapernick be rehired? Screwwwww them.

  2. Buh Bye Felicia, you jackassess gave the inmates (in some cases literally) the keys to the asylum and now you die by your own craven stupidity.

    Patriotic white folk are the ones with money and interest in sports and you just lost the golden goose cadh you were gonna use to placate your racist players.

    In the immortal words of the dipshit mayor of Shitcongo
    F & U.

  3. Nfl is going to come crashing down this year. Theyve been on shaky ground since afro dude in sf started kneeling. The false virus panic will take it out.

    Ive been telling some of my diehard live-for-it buddies–they dont want to hear it. Sorry guys..

  4. Interesting article; glad I read it. My present gut feel is that my all-along gut feel is now validated. Wakey-wokey is BAAAAAAD for business, especially sports.

    Best snippet from the article:

    If you are Nike or Patagonia, and you run an ad campaign based on social equality – the American consumer is ok with it. Why? They’ve been out front on this for years, far before George Floyd’s murder was in the headlines.

    But the NFL attempting to be woke? No. They are full of shit and we can see it a mile away.

  5. It’s past time for us to leave kids’s games to kids and stop paying so called adults to play them. I’ve waited my whole life for America to outgrow this obsession with making role models out of game players.

  6. After the last strike in the ’90’s, I took up the horse races. Now it’s online (very convenient), the athlete’s do not have a rap sheet, they’re better looking (no tats), and they will NOT insult their fans.

    Keep wagers small, (still much cheaper than going to a Major League sporting event) and quite a thrill when your pony comes in. All in all, much more satisfying than what has become of pro sports.

  7. But, if I can’t pay “legitimate businessmen” thousands of dollars. To let me watch other people get paid millions of dollars. To do the job I wish somebody would pay me millions of dollars to do. But they won’t. What am I gonna do with all that money?

    I can’t pay for porn. That’d mean there’s something wrong with me.

  8. Last week there was a PGA tournament, the first in months, and for the first couple days Harold Varner III had the lead. He ultimately finished off the lead but was close enough to the top he made a good paycheck. He is one of the few black guys on the tour and after the last day he was being interviewed, the sportscaster tried leading him in with his questions so he could have responded with SJW answers. You could see he was aware of it because he took just an extra second two to answer, and good for him, he responded with an appropriate golf answer. Jackass announcer!

  9. I hope Hollywood crashes on the same rocks. People were getting used to avoiding theaters before the chink virus and I doubt the public will be going back anytime soon, if ever. Especially with all the woke shit now spilling from actor’s mouths.

  10. Yesterday would’ve been the mid point 81 games of the baseball season and we haven’t played a single inning yet this year. It’s not summer without baseball and if the baseball owners and players union don’t agree soon we will have no baseball this year. 2020 is the year the wu flu disrupted everything and turned a lot of us into cowards who are afraid of their own shadows. I am not playing their game, I want my freedom back and baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet in that order. What are they going to do about the 4th of July 2 weeks from Saturday, are they going to cancel that as well because of some namby pamby elitist chickenshits? God forbid!

  11. @Anonymous Erik – Only major sport I really enjoy is baseball and I like that best on radio! Only during the playoffs do I actually watch it.

    Oh, and the some higher up in the NHL let the wokesters have it. Basically told them to eff off.

  12. Hey Bad_Brad….Have you stocked up with some came facemarks for this years duck season?….I hope you get out there plenty of times…..Me?….I’m gonna see how many doves stop their migration pretty close to me….bacon wrapped with a jalapeño and cream cheese inside, on a low grill….

  13. Listening to baseball on the radio makes my Summer. My oldest daughter grew to love baseball while she was sitting in my lap or next to me listening to baseball on the radio during the Summer. It’s not summer without Red Barber or Vin Scully, Harry Carey, Dave Niehaus etc. calling and describing the magic of baseball over the radio. And since baseball is on the radio it can go with you anywhere, in the car while driving or just sitting at home listening to the game.

  14. Who wants to watch a bunch of immature millionaires with their ego’s writing checks that their brains can’t cash?

    Now, the ’79 NBA Champion Seattle Supersonics – those were guys worth watching. Fine men, all.

  15. geoff the aardvark, that’s how I learned to love baseball. That’s the only sport I miss. It was the Tigers for life, then when I moved to MN, the Twins. When the two teams played, I “won” no matter which team won. But I miss most the decade from mid 60s to mid 70s. Dad was never without his transister radio, even when watching on TV or in the stands. I miss them both.

  16. We buy the tickets. We buy your stadium, often against our wills. We watch you play. We cheer you on. And then you call us racists because we want you to stand for the flag of the country that gave you a life most could only dream off.

    Fuck You Professional Assholes. Go have the zipperheads be your fans, you arrogant, ingrate motherfuckers. And that goes for you too, JJ TWatt.

  17. Great point it is the Twitter world comprised of less than 10% vs the real world and if people were too afraid to voice their opinion about Trump in 2016 can you imagine today?! Some pollster calls and you don’t know if they are a woke libtard waiting to Dox and shame you. Find your employer etc. All the better when Trump again wins in a landslide and they lose it.

  18. After watching Cleveland sports teams bumble and fumble since 1982 I am through with them. We stopped watching most football games after the kneeling crap. Baseball and basketball minus big mouth LeBron seemed immune. To Hell with all of them. One of the main reasons I had these on was background noise for doing needlework. These teams are neither needed or wanted. If Ohio State foot ball gets woke then they can to the Hillary as well.

  19. I can fix it. NFL: Anybody with a felony conviction is gone. Anybody who disrespects the flag is gone. College grads only. That goes for owners as well. $10k limit per year in endorsement/advertising. NBA: same rules as NFL. Drug test before each game – 1st failure half season suspension. 2nd failure and out for life. Baseball: Same as NBA. Nascar: Only production cars less than 3 model years old with 25k production units or more. Limited performance modifications.

    Any athlete that gets political is out. Their job is to entertain and nothing more.

  20. I just received one of the most racist emails ever, from a little company known as Comcast (Xfinity)

    In summary, they are giving $100 million to fight racism, injustice, and inequality. How? By being RACIST, of course.

    They will:

    We will elevate voices that need to be heard. We will promote and amplify multicultural content, building on our commitment to educate, inform, and inspire. Say “Black Voices. Black Stories.” into your Xfinity Voice Remote to explore a deep collection of documentaries, movies and series on Black culture and the history of racial inequality.

    if you say White Voices don’t expect to get any content.
    Your speech will probably be recorded for a visit from BLM/SJW-enforcement.

    An important part of our $100 million pledge is to help small businesses owned by people of color.

    don’t expect any money, you piece of shit cracker honkey.

    We will accelerate our diversity and inclusion efforts in our teams. By hiring more blacks, even if they aren’t qualified.

    did you need a job, white trash? Tough luck! you can’t work here.

    To fight racism you gotta be racist. Un-frickin-real. It’s totally lost on them that in order to “fight racism” you need to TREAT ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY.

    Yea, I’m looking to cancel comcast, but I can’t get internet any other way (unless I go back to dialup). PRICKS!

  21. Anonymous Erik June 18, 2020 at 3:05 pm

    Kill your TV — it could be the best thing you do with your life.

    Anonymous Erik: I haven’t owned a TV in over 20 years. Don’t miss it. Even when we rent a VRBO or stay in a hotel, the TV stays off. I wouldn’t know how to turn the sucker on and find anything of interest. Never did like anyone talking at me since they can’t hear me talk back to them. I get enough of that in real life.

    As for sports, I don’t give a rats behind about any of them. White people made them rich and all we get is being called racists. Well, for real call me one, I won’t watch or pay. Have a nice time back in the ghetto you tried to get out of. I guess it beats having your mansion foreclosed on and your Maserati repossesed and then go back to living in the ghetto now that you’re bankrupt like most of your fellow players. Do your knees hurt?

  22. @joesix
    Not for nothing, as admirable as Varner was for keeping it intact….he really didn’t need to one way or the other, as the PGA org already twirled the SJ baton when they stopped for 8 min/47 sec in memory of Floyd. Further the CEO said the org would be making a financial contribution in the near future. (Awaiting the dollar amt from BLM?)


  23. We all ought to remember that sports is just a facet of the entertainment industry. As far as being complete jerks, many of it’s biggest stars are as bad as the Hollywood freaks we see on TV and movies. A lot of them demand payment for an autograph. They all want to be famous then complain when they have no privacy.

    When you really examine sports, you begin to realize that, like Star Wars movies, it’s the same endless damn thing year after year. The only thing that changes are the names of the players.

    Does it really matter that a guy hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the World Series? When I was a kid, that was pretty exciting stuff. No more. We have much more important concerns now.

  24. Ed357 – It’s the same thing if you donate to antifa… they just use a go-between that interfaces with actblue. If you go to the actblue website you can see the testamonials from democRAT politicians… (checks watch) at least for now… They’re like a virus, they keep changing things!

  25. I really haven’t missed sports even though I am\was a huge sports fan. Was mostly finished with the NFL although watched some last year, I’m completely done with them now along with the NBA. As the sports get ‘woke’, I’ll drop out completely. Let someone else fund the overpaid, spoiled children.

  26. I’ve been done with the NBA for years, since they deemed ‘rules’ like traveling to be ‘non-essential’. ‘Rules are what separate us from the animals’. My wife will probably watch some NFL; I’ll pass for the most part. I had been watching European soccer but it looks like the English & German leagues have gone SJW (go figure). I’ll look & see how far it goes. I dropped European Rugby a couple years ago when they openly supported ‘trans’ rights. These guys (the white ones – the ones really with the money) will continue to peddle this SJW/BLM nonsense as their houses burn down around them.

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