The Sportsman’s Double – IOTW Report

The Sportsman’s Double

ht/ jd hasty

23 Comments on The Sportsman’s Double

  1. Sounds like every “17 year old” fantasy I ever had. Although when I was in the Navy and we visited Miami (50 years ago) we used to call it “crinkle city” after we went back to the ship.

  2. I had the howl laugh of my life about 14 years ago that proves alcohol talks to men’s zippers. I just completed a very warm 6 hour drive to MO to help Daughter Dearest after orthoscopic knee surgery. I was sweaty grungy in bagged out orange shorts and tank top, sweat flattened hair pulled back with combs, and went into the local bar to pick up two orders of fried fish.

    The poor lonesome young man holding up the bar turned toward me and started making overtures to me. All I could do was start laughing. I was almost twice his age. He must have had a mother complex.

    I protested my age to him and then he wanted verification of my age by asking what year I was born and who was president. Wish I would have replied with adding another decade to my DOB.

  3. SNS, naw, not cute. I just smile a lot, and somehow my Howdy Doody lines must make me look loke I’m on the make. Hee, hee.

    Thank you, I’m in incredibly good shape for what has been pumped into me so far. It’s the prayers peeps. I know it.

    One of the funnier things that happened through this, was, before the chemo started, and the docs up here were going to go after the brain cancer first, before I saw the docs downstate, DH and I went into Walgreen’s. DH was going to the pharmacy, and I was going to wander around. As he was walking toward the pharmacy, I stopped him and said I would be in the hair department because they had a sale going on hair dye, and I needed to stock up.

    Poor DH, stopped dead in his tracks, hesitating on what to say. It then dawned on me that I will lose my hair and it may not come back. We both had a good laugh out of it.

    Love you kids.

  4. My previous wife was an extremely beautiful woman and at our wedding my best man asked me who the girl was that my mother was talking to. I said it was my new mother-in-law. He said, “No, the one in the blue dress.” I told him again it was my wife’s mother. He couldn’t believe it. She, too, was an extremely beautiful woman who looked to be very much younger than she was. Not that it ever would have happened because that’s not me, but I did imagine what it would have been like because that’s what red blooded males do. My wife was nine years younger than me and her mom was nine years older. Just saying!

  5. …hair and skin, clothes and youth, do not make a woman beautiful.

    Her heart, her spirit, and the light of the Lord does.

    …based on what I’ve seen here, PJ, I’m sure you are quite beautiful indeed, and in no danger of ever losing it, even when, many years from now, you do as we all must eventually and lay your trophies dowm to be with the Lord.

    HE makes you beautiful, not Miss Clarol.

    And I’m sure many others here would agree, including your DH.

    Be blessed, get better and noli illegitimi carborundum, whether they be human cancers or actual ones. You will triumph over disease today, and live in glory tomorrow.

    Not a bad future for a lovely lady.

    God Bless,


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