The State of the Union is Excellent; the State of the Democrats? Not so much. – IOTW Report

The State of the Union is Excellent; the State of the Democrats? Not so much.


Patriot Retort: I decided not to go on Twitter or any other social media during the State of the Union Address. Instead, I gave the President’s speech my undivided attention.

The same cannot be said for the Democrats in attendance.

If they looked up from their devices at all, it was to give President Trump some very divisive attention.

Now, I don’t know whose brilliant idea it was to have the Democrats behave like angry nine-year-olds forced to sit through church when they’d rather be outside resisting.

But it was a really, really bad idea.

Hell, even Cory Booker cracked out his Angry Eyes.

Well, what do you know? Your face can freeze that way.

But the moment that was truly disgusting was when the President announced that black unemployment is the lowest ever recorded. And the people whose constituents are most impacted by this couldn’t even wipe the contempt off their faces for one second to acknowledge the good news.  more here

23 Comments on The State of the Union is Excellent; the State of the Democrats? Not so much.

  1. I hope to enjoy watching Pelosi melt to nothingness in her own kettle of bile.

    For insulting Americans about the contents of obamacare alone, she deserves full-body, perpetual, intolerable burning pain. And then whatever God has in store for her in her next life.

  2. I’m actually starting to have fun with the total breakdown of Pelosi. She’s a natural comedy act. Now, we need to bring her equally immoral daughter into the equation and watch her head explode.

  3. I think President Trump’s performance is known in street vernacular as, “Rubbing their face in it.”
    It was awesome.
    Droolin’ Joe, ROFLMAO, Pelousy did mention slobbering, you were warned.
    Impee foe tea fi, impee foe tea fi, BET covered it.
    A good speech.

  4. @Flip

    The thought crossed my mind as well. It is more than a coincidence that there were over 200 Republican congressmen on that train…I’d like to know more about the truck driver.

  5. Ready-made commercials for the mid-term campaigns:

    Audio plays of the President making each point, video shows Dems
    sitting. Additional graphics can highlight Democrats individually
    to tailor the commercial to each campaign.

    Get on it, Republicans! For Pete’s sake, even Chris Cuomo said
    he’d never seen it this bad.

  6. The black caucus hates work boots. If their constituents need work boots it means they also pay taxes. Paying taxes circumvents the need to have government freebies. The black caucus can’t steal from the IRS as they can congressional handouts.

  7. Dems act like spoiled brat children… they pout when their illegal alien voters to have to wait in line – a concept most of us learned in kindergarten. They whine at the idea of taking turns, throw fits, point fingers and resort to name calling whenever they don’t get their way.

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