The State Transitioned 14 Year-Old Child After Taken From Parents – IOTW Report

The State Transitioned 14 Year-Old Child After Taken From Parents


A Montana family claims they lost custody of their 14-year-old child after opposing her interest in changing genders — and while the governor’s office defended the move, it stressed to The Post that the state does not remove minors to provide gender transition services.

The state’s Child and Family Services (CFS) reportedly took custody of the teen from her father, Todd Kolstad, and stepmother, Krista, this month, leading the parents to speak out about how the action has “destroyed” their family and “trampled” their rights.

The allegations, first reported over the weekend, led Gov. Greg Gianforte’s office to take a look at the case and defend CFS workers.

The parents told Reduxx that their issues with the state agency started when officials received a call in August 2023 that Jennifer, whose name was changed for publication at their request, expressed suicidal thoughts at school.

A CFS caseworker came to speak with the teen and inspect the house where Jennifer claimed she drank toilet bowl cleaner and took painkillers in an attempt to take her own life, the outlet reported.

The teen reportedly showed no related symptoms, and a test at the hospital showed she didn’t consume any toxins.

But her hospital stay stretched to multiple days, in which staff there noted that Jennifer identified as male and wanted to be called Leo. The parents said they quickly but unsuccessfully objected.

“We were very clear to the emergency room staff as well as [CFS] that this goes against our values, morals and our religious beliefs,” Krista Kolstad recalled to Reduxx, accusing the hospital of consistently undermining her and her husband’s authority.

Jennifer was eventually moved to a specialized residential care facility in Wyoming despite her parents’ concerns. Kolstad told Reduxx she and Todd were worried about Jennifer being cared for in the state, where minors can receive gender-affirming care without parental consent.

“They showed up at our home to serve us with papers to take Jennifer out of our care,” Kolstad alleged. “They told me the reason was that we were ‘unable or refusing to provide medical care.’ That’s just not true.”

Jennifer returned in September to a Montana youth facility, where she remains. Earlier this month, a court put the teen in the custody of CFS, Reduxx reported.

“We were told that letting Jennifer transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Kolstad told the outlet.

“Our family has been destroyed by this. We have little to no contact with Jennifer, and our rights as her parents have been trampled on.”


23 Comments on The State Transitioned 14 Year-Old Child After Taken From Parents

  1. Taken from Montana and transitioned in Wyoming. Wut?!?
    Sad to know this insanity is everywhere and even worse that it’s in places you don’t expect it to be.

    Montana’s Governor punched a reporter once. There’s still some testosterone left there that’s not being given to girls.

  2. “…never be released, unless maybe when he is changed and broken, so that he may come to you, and you shall see what you have done.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    Monsters are real.

    And our taxes pay them.

  3. Time for ropes and target practice.
    ESPECIALLY on CPS (HA! That’s an oxymoron) and hospital personnel.

  4. The trans people are psychotic and their delusion is that they are the opposite sex. We do not need to participate in their delusion. This poor little girl obviously has issue and the state stepping in is beyond wrong. Any doctor that recommends a trans procedure or actually preforms on should lose their license and be sued.

    I thought Montana was one of the more normal states, what happened.

  5. President made it very clear 20 years ago, “Children belong to government! Not parents.”.

    Too many of us were too poor to TAKE OUT OUR WALLETS AND PAY ATTENTION!

    Had you paid attention you’d not be shocked.

    WAKE UP! Has been American policy over 2 decades!

  6. What are the odds that once the kid starts getting chronic issues due to being butchered, then, all of a sudden, the parents will have custody again and be completely financially responsible for the required treatment.

    Punch a bureaucrat in the face for Jesus today.

  7. @david7134
    WEDNESDAY, 31 JANUARY 2024, 17:57 AT 5:57 PM

    “I thought Montana was one of the more normal states, what happened.”

    Californians and other leftists moved to Billings and Boseman. Same as happened to Oregon, Washington, Colorado, etc.

  8. Were I a parent, I would be very aware that I have a right to all the court documents used against me, and that all of these documents must have the names of the persons who kidnapped my child for mutilation purposes.

    Not saying what they should do next,

    But those people so named have to go home sometime.

  9. @ Tony R WEDNESDAY, 31 JANUARY 2024, 20:27 AT 8:27 PM

    I warned of Missoula, Butte, Bozeman, Helena etc and the reservations right here in the comments ten plus years ago. Throw in the farm subsidies and those individuals have no core principles. People believe what they want to believe.

    Hunthausen came from Great Falls.

  10. I have a cousin who was a teacher in Austin. After she tricked our wealthy aunt into leaving her everything, she moved to Missoula. She teaches there, now. I wonder where she’ll move to next and screw that town up. Missoula sucks! Thousands of leftist college students and five mini-casinos on every street corner. Whatever it was before, it’s a hellhole, now.


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