The Storm Is Coming!!!!!! – IOTW Report

The Storm Is Coming!!!!!!

Gotta get the BREAD AND MILK!


Milk This!


14 Comments on The Storm Is Coming!!!!!!

  1. I learned how to drive during the winter of 1968-69 when we had a record amount of snow in Eastern Washington. There was at least 5-6ft. or more of snow on the ground all Winter till early April of 69 and it was below zero for a month or more in late Dec. 68 into mid Jan. of 69. We’re used to having the occasional bad winter up here Just like with the Snowpocalypyse 7 years ago just before Christmas 2008 when we got 3 and a half feet to 4 ft. of snow in 36 hrs. You get used to it and it keeps the riffraff away. If you’ve ever been to Seattle or Portland when they get less than 6 inches of snow it’s a disaster so I don’t feel sorry for the East Coast right now. I’ll have to call my daughter in Virginia Beach/Norfolk and see how much snow they get. Besides she grew up out here so she knows how to drive in snow, you slow down and don’t drive like it’s Spring or Summer and you don’t think that because have a 4 wheel drive vehicle or SUV that you’ll have better traction, you may but it’s still not infallible, just ask all the morons in the ditch or turned over who were driving too damned fast for the weather conditions. And we don’t make runs on the stores either and empty the shelves, we have more sense than that.

  2. My pantry is always filled with MREs and canned goods. When there’s a run on the stores and we don’t have enough fresh food on hand, the car stays parked. Nothing I hate more than mobs of people in the stores and on the roads.

  3. I was born and raised near the Niagara Frontier; snow, whiteouts, blizzards, snow, shoveling, plowing, snow, snow-throwers, cleaning the driveway 3-4 times a day, high winds, snowdrifts, and snow were a way of life. No big deal, life continues, business continues, school continues (ah, waiting in the storm for the school bus to arrive!).

    I live in western Massivetwoshits now; everyone back east is pooping themselves, ‘storm of the century,’ women-and-children-first, breathless tee-vee reporters, interviews with the staties concerning safety on the road, and all the usual BS that is best summed up by Eternal Cracker’s video.

    Today is my shopping day (day off); at least out here people do not usually empty the store.

  4. When I needs me some weather hysteria, I choose Frankie McDonald from MyOwnTVStation in Nova Scotia. “Order lots of pizza and Chinese food. Buy cases of Pepsi, buy cases of Coke”…Gotta love it.
    It is easier to take him serious than the goofy phucks on the news or the Weather Channel.

  5. In January 1967 I was stationed at the Norfolk Naval Base. After a dusting of snow, car crashes galore, they called in the Seabees to help clear all of that snow and push it into the bay using bulldozers and road graders. Nothing else was shown on television. It was a laugh riot to those of us from the Midwest.

  6. All week long the teevee has been screaming “blizzard” & my kids were excited to bring our new husky, Bellah (who is so pretty that ima send BFH a pic soon in hopes he’ll make a portrait), out to play in the snow (we have been snowless other than a dusting so far this winter), but all the current projections show that the whole thing is gonna just miss us here in our part on NY’s Hudson Valley. Oh well, at least my hubby won’t have to go shovel off our roof yet like he had to dozens of times last year to prevent its collapse. Always gotta find that silver lining!

  7. You guys are a riot!
    DH & I shovel the snow not like the younger neighbors who were out yesterday firing up their snowblowers. If we lose power we’ll just wrap up in blankets and get out the portable lights and read. At least I will. ☺️
    Dh will go from window to window ‘blessing’ each flake that falls.
    We are on the line of either 8-15 inches or 18-24 inches. I hate snow.

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