“You can take our lives but you can never take our freedom. Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.”

27 Comments on “THE STORM IS UPON US…”

  1. Well, I hate to be Debbie Downer, but I’m passed the cheerleader thing. We need a plan. We need that second guy to stand up. And mean while the Fibbies are every where. You can feel the tension increase every day.

  2. We should also not forget that the message here is not political, it’s spiritual. Evil comes in many flavors and many evil men have an (R) in front of their name. This isn’t a speech advocating secession or even one promoting freedom, it is a speech to remind us that a free prosperous nation means nothing if your salvation is not secured.

    Now, can we finally get on with the revolution?

  3. This is only the lull before the storm. A lot more has to happen before the pitchforks come out. Some very real possibilities:

    (1) A couple of “global cooling winters” with massive hardships (fuel, food, water, medical care…)
    (2) 2022 Congressional elections are stolen. DEM’s retain control.
    (3) Stagflation explodes and the unemployment rate skyrockets.
    (4) New COVID variant (fictitious or not) w/mammoth new lockdowns.
    (5) China invades Taiwan. Shit hits the fan worldwide.
    (6) Our FED accelerates “digital money” w/Congress’s blessing.
    (7) National digital ID and Vax passport law passed by stolen Congress.
    (8) Riots and martial law.

    There’s probably more, but those are bad enough.

    And when the time comes, it’s the ‘tech giants’ and the media that need to be taken down first.

  4. @General Malaise

    I don’t think any of those things you mentioned, in an of themselves, is enough to upend the apple cart. The people have already shown their willingness to discard their liberties for the illusion of safety and order. They have grown accustomed to out of control spending. They will “lower their expectations” and put up with inflation, empty shelves, energy independence, and material hardships if Biden tells them it’s for the good of the country. And they will certainly applaud martial law if it is judiciously applied to those church going abortion hating science denying climate killers, or all Republicans.

    My litmus test, the one thing that I do think will spur the true patriots into action against their own government is gun confiscation. The model for this is Australia. Once Biden, Austin and Miley purge the military, ongoing now, watch out.

  5. A very good sentiment and i partially agree with rich taylor, but when the shelves become empty and the hordes are at the gates, thats about 5 days after the shit hit the fan and i dont think we will have long to wait

  6. I believe that it will not be large scale but more localized and guerilla/terrorist in nature. Once that occurs the government will lose control. There is no need to be more powerful than the US military. All that is needed is to damage/cutoff electrical supply, food supply, oil/gas supplies and then the government will be dealing with a real shitstorm. Millions of people who are rebelling against tyranny with millions of arms and billions of rounds of ammunition will make a formidable foe.
    Don’t say it can’t be won. Afghanistan is the perfect example of a David repelling Goliath. Many times.

  7. About that time the space aliens will land ( who are really demons in disguise) and begin alternating ” why can’t we all get along” and ” we are here to pump you up” or some such nonsense.

    The masses will then look to the heavens for the wrong leader ( the antichrist) to lead them back to a “new normal” and a global one world government.

    As for me I will no longer be here thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    Btw the founding fathers were Christians and there is no doubt about that if you read their papers.

  8. The founding fathers were hardly Christians: sure many believed in things like “providence” and what not; but they hardly would be called evangelicals. America has never been a Christian nation; there’s Christians among the nations but no Christian nations.

  9. I know and have talked to LA in the past. His truths are out there for people to see and hear (Rumble has the “full monty” version now that u tube continues to censor him.

    There are lots of good stuff out there on these topics:

  10. George Waters your inner bias against scholarship is showing. Do the research and don’t listen to the reigning lawyers who believe in the separation of church and state.

    Btw the way the founding fathers indeed were not the type of “Christian” that Joel Osteen and his ilk are.

  11. Inner bias against scholarship? Maybe so, but I don’t know what that means: but I do know That it is naive to think that Washington and Jefferson and Adams believe in fundamental doctrines of the Bible like you do. Surely there are dark principalities and power of the air over the United States too? The United States was founded by true Christians, puritans, long before 1776 I grant you that; they were true heroes of the faith. But the likes of Franklin and Washington? Not even close

  12. George you are somewhat correct IMHO, but Adams was a DEVOUT Christian and a staunch abolitionist.

    EVERY man or child of a certain age and wealth had several books in their library.

    The Holy Bible was one of them. Yes even Franklin’s.

    Were they devout Christians? But by who’s standards and when? Ours? Or theirs then?

    It is clear, that a ‘Creator’ is mentioned all over the place.

  13. Brad – great video -I liked his message. Massive non-compliance – draw the line and don’t back up (unlike the first Halfrican president we had). Inspiring message.

    FJB and FtheCCP and fuck tyranny.

  14. @ghost, all: You need to plug in to what’s going on with the Church these days. We’ve been acting on specific spiritual goals all year. Reform and renewal is underway like a California wildfire. Not just nationally, but globally as well.

  15. There are a lot of great comments on this thread. I wish that I had the time and ability to compile and condense them into to a clear concise statement of of where we are, where we are headed and what needs to be done before we get there.

    @I Am The Evil White Man October 25, 2021 at 7:26 pm –
    “…Believe me, we have yet to see the whites of their eyes…”

    VERY true. They haven’t come close to showing their true colors – to the useful idiots – real conservatives saw those colors long ago.

    @General Malaise October 25, 2021 at 5:05 pm –
    “…And when the time comes, it’s the ‘tech giants’ and the media that need to be taken down first…”

    Absolutely! THEY are the most powerful weapon that the leftist have. THEY sell the lies. THEY brainwash the sheep. THEY install and keep the leftists in power. THEY need to be taken out or at least marginalized.

    @rich taylor October 25, 2021 at 5:33 pm –
    “…My litmus test, the one thing that I do think will spur the true patriots into action against their own government is gun confiscation…”

    With all due respect, by then it is too late. There will be plenty of triggering events before then, and in preparation for confiscation and in anticipation of the resistance, the tyrants will have plans in place for overwhelming force to enact their plan.

    Hit them before they are fully prepared.

  16. @ stirrin

    This is where I really miss the edit button. In my mind I meant “attempt” at gun confiscation but the fingers didn’t type it.

    “There will be plenty of triggering events before then”

    Do you have any examples different from what GM listed?

    I think about this a lot because I am so dissatisfied with how I have no voice or influence in a government that I fund. We saw massive voter fraud in the last election, that didn’t do it. We saw an authoritarian execution of millions of businesses this past year with the unconstitutional lock downs, that didn’t do it. We are seeing an erosion of our sovereignty and security with Biden’s open border policy, that didn’t do it. We are even seeing about half the country being treated as second class citizens because they value autonomy with their own bodies, and I doubt this will even do it.

    A government sanctioned and implemented assault on the Second Amendment is the only thing I can think of that will be “A bridge too far”, a death knell for the status quo.

  17. AbigailAdams October 25, 2021 at 7:50 pm

    “Reform and renewal is underway like a California wildfire. Not just nationally, but globally as well.”

    AMEN! I have been praying for revival for the last few years and I know many churches are doing the same. What I see now that I didn’t see a year ago is the unity among Christians who are seeing who the real enemy is – the left.

    For so long, I saw people I know to be faithful Christians (who only listened to the MSM) regurgitate the “Trump is evil” mantra. After confronting them, they saw that they had no real reason for their opinion. After educating them … gently … their opinion began to change.

    Now? They see with their own eyes exactly what I had been talking about. Prayer meetings have increasingly been focused on pleading with God to bring a true revival in our nation and world.

    Repent and ask for forgiveness for letting our society kick God out and work to find ways to bring him back to his proper place. This country was founded by people who came for religious freedom and “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

  18. @Rich – GM gave a very thorough list, but in addition, I think that the results of the 2022 midterm elections will be a potential trigger. The dislike of Biden and his leftist policies is running deep into his stronghold libtard base. So deep, that MSM propaganda outlets are reporting on it, and dumbass rap “artists” rapping about are topping the statistical charts. So deep, that FJB/LGB chants and memes are everywhere.

    With that as the backdrop and reality going into the 2022 elections, if the Republicans don’t take back control of one or both chambers of congress, then you KNOW that voter fraud once again stole the election. And as a result, I predict that the massive revolt will begin – well before gun confiscation is even attempted.

  19. @stirrin

    “And as a result, I predict that the massive revolt will begin”

    Hmm! We disagree a bit on our definitions of “revolt”.

    We have the Virginia gubernatorial election in 2 weeks. Due to all the things you mentioned above, McAuliffe’s lead has totally evaporated. Momentum is with Youngkin, if he losses that race will that be proof of election fraud?

    Hypothetically if the GOP does not gain any seats in the Senate and does not get a majority in The House, would this be proof positive of election fraud, enough to trigger your definition of a revolt?

    I could be wrong but recent history has demonstrated an insidious alacrity by the dems at election manipulation, aided by an unmoved judiciary and an accommodating MSM. The usual grousing by our side will not move public opinion and they will get away with it.

  20. @Rich –
    “…I could be wrong but recent history has demonstrated an insidious alacrity by the dems at election manipulation, aided by an unmoved judiciary and an accommodating MSM. The usual grousing by our side will not move public opinion and they will get away with it…”

    I don’t disagree, but at some point the dam bursts. I think we’re damn close to that point.


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