The Story Behind The 27th Amendment – IOTW Report

The Story Behind The 27th Amendment

A fascinating read about how a man worked tirelessly for decades to have a low grade changed in his government class, and in the process amended the constitution.


h/t Weasel Zippers



14 Comments on The Story Behind The 27th Amendment

  1. It seems only appropriate that if we are required to have a permit and government approval to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights that Congress must receive approval of our citizens by ballot to receive a pay raise.
    How about 2/3rds of the voters voting in the election.

  2. I propose a Constitutional Amendment that mandates that all branches of the government, the executive, the legislative and the judiciary, must abide by all laws and regulations that are passed or promulgated. No exemption from OSHA, no exemptions from the labor laws, and no exemptions from health care laws.

    I don’t believe there is anything better that can discourage these folks from further penalizing the general public with their laws.

  3. Did anybody see the part about the teacher that gave him a C on the paper and that gave him the motivation to proceed. And she brags about haw her failed assessment was such a credit to her teaching. Women shouldn’t be teaching is what I get from the article.
    Is that racist of me?

  4. Reminds me of when I had a shitty History teacher in high school pull a 20 question pop quiz on current events and one of the questions was “who is the leader of China?” Mao had just died something like a month before and the placeholder that the Commies had as party chairman temporarily was Hua Guo Feng. Wouldnt ya know the lazy-ass teacher marked my answer as wrong. After class, I tried to explain how I was right and even showed him a Newsweek copy I had in my bookbag showing that Mao was dead and Hua Guo Feng was the new sheriff in town. THis just got the asshole madder and he gave me an F even though I’d scored a 95 even with the teacher’s grading fuckup! He even tried to take my magazine, the fucker. I yanked it back and went to the school’s Vice Principal. He was a real hardass but for some reason liked me. He took one look at the quiz paper, took a look at the magazine, then called the teacher into his office in front of me. The Veep made him give me an A+ 100 grade plus extra credit AND apologize to me. The teacher was steaming by now but grudgingly did as he was told.

    Luckily the Veep told me he’d keep an eye on all the teachers so they wouldnt pull any reprisal shit on me. He was good to his word too.

    THe moral is – When you know you’re right, stick up for yourself and dont let the slackjawed fucktards screw with ya.

  5. Loved your anecdote, Mansfield. I despise that kind of person myself.

    I caught myself winding up and starting the lean-in with the shoulder at: “He took one look at the quiz paper, took a look at the magazine, then called the teacher into his office in front of me”

    And following through at the next sentence: “The Veep made him give me an A+ 100 grade plus extra credit AND apologize to me.” Biff!

    Quite satisfying.

    It matters not WHO is right, only WHAT is right. What a prick he was. Bravo!

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