“The Story Behind the Iconic Photo of the Man Who Defied Hitler And the Nazis by Refusing to Salute” – IOTW Report

“The Story Behind the Iconic Photo of the Man Who Defied Hitler And the Nazis by Refusing to Salute”


The photo was taken in Hamburg, Germany on June 13, 1936 at the launch of a naval training vessel. Landmesser can be seen as the lone man pictured refusing to demonstrate his loyalty by saluting. Although the photo itself has become an internet sensation, as it represents those very few people who are willing to think outside of the box into which they have been indoctrinated, few people are aware of the story behind the iconic picture.

read here

ht/ cato

6 Comments on “The Story Behind the Iconic Photo of the Man Who Defied Hitler And the Nazis by Refusing to Salute”

  1. Nice to know.
    The interesting thing is I believe either side of the current “disagreement “ can, and does, identify as him.
    Just something to think about.

  2. Both sides today may identify with him, but only one of those sides today represent and reflect the Nazi Party values. Thats the demorat progressives on the left, todays modern day Nazis.

  3. Leftists can alternately cite this man as either a brave hero or as a racist bigot, depending on whether Democrats or conservatives are in power. Because they’re scummy hypocrites that way. Extrapolate that man into a crowd of Obama or Clinton worshipers and he’s a racist. Put him in front of Trump…hero.

  4. @MB
    “Both sides today may identify with him, but only one of those sides today represent and reflect the Nazi Party values.”

    They even have their own Saturday Nite Nazi salute, too.


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  1. The Story of That Guy – Other People's Stuff

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