The Story of a Corrupt Town in New Hampshire – IOTW Report

The Story of a Corrupt Town in New Hampshire

9 Comments on The Story of a Corrupt Town in New Hampshire

  1. Got one here in Texas. Coffee City, TX has a population of 239 and HAD 50 police officers. Some were working hundreds of miles away in Houston. After a report came out on the news, the Police chief and officers got fired.

  2. There are thousands of videos on YouTube highlighting corrupt officials in towns across America. This one is rather mild. Most will make you want to vomit when you see how corrupt many public servants are. Spend an evening watching them and it will change your whole outlook. Never, ever, speak with a ‘public servant’ without recording it.

  3. > Yeah. Sorry, you don’t speak to people that way, government or not. The kid was just looking for an argument. Way to go, threatening people.>

    That is what an audit is. What the guy did is legal. They intentionally push the envelope to see if cops know, abide and protect the law. It may look ugly and feel uncomfortable, but it’s done for you and I.


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