The Sudden Unwinding of Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-D) – IOTW Report

The Sudden Unwinding of Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-D)

It was a bad week for the knot-headed representative from 18th district of Texas, (inner city Huston), Shelia Jackson Lee.  The 24-year member of congress voluntarily stepped down from chairing the congressional black caucus foundation and surrendered her house judiciary sub-committee chair. The clearing of her scheduled followed a lawsuit alleging Jackson fired an aide after that individual informed her office of the intent to file sexual assault chargers against a supervisor of the foundation. More

17 Comments on The Sudden Unwinding of Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-D)

  1. She just has to wait for the news cycle to move back to Trump.
    No Demonrat really gives a fuck that she’s a pro-rapist anti-American racist asshole – they all are.
    Somebody thought the optics were bad and asked for this temporary expedient to get the hyenas off her skank ass.
    Probably a Texas thing – since most people are scratching their coconuts trying to figure out who (and what) she is. Appears to be just another blathering asshole reading off a teleprompter without a banner naming her.

    Then they read the banner and say “Jackson-Lee? As in Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and Marse Robert E. Lee? Ain’t that cultural or racial appropriation?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just a few months ago she was involved in the attempted smear of Kavanaugh. What goes around, comes around.

    I don’t think we ever found out what was in that envelope she surreptitiously handed to Blasey-Ford’s lawyer.

  3. What an embarrassment Sheila is to Texas! She has low IQ and is obviously less than honest. Thankful she is revmoved from chairmanships but she needs to go away.

  4. this is the woman while watching the Mars mobile unit come to life asked the TV host if it was possible to turn the unit to see the flag Alden planted on the moon. She had to be told she was looking at Mars not the moon.
    This woman is as dumb as occasional cortex is smart

  5. In fairness to the Great State of Texas, this skank is originally from New York. She was sent to Houston to grab a congressional seat for the Democrat Party. she doesn’t have one drop of Texas in her stinking body.

  6. We call third ward in Houston NT. She has the highest IQ of any of them. Thank you LBJ for the welfare and food stamps and medicade, they will vote democrap for 2000 years.


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