The Sussmann Indictment Reads Like Overt Acts In Furtherance of a Conspiracy – Because That’s What It Is. – IOTW Report

The Sussmann Indictment Reads Like Overt Acts In Furtherance of a Conspiracy – Because That’s What It Is.


What to make of the indictment by Special Counsel John Durham of former Clinton Campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, a one-time partner in the go-to-for-all-legal-needs Democrat Party law firm of Perkins Coie?

Typically, a “false statement” indictment will consist of a brief description of how the federal investigators came to ask the question, the answer given by the defendant which is alleged to be false, and what a truthful answer would have been.

If you want an example of what a typical such indictment might look like, it’s right there in Sussmann indictment — read paragraph 46:

That is all one needs for a single count indictment charging a defendant with a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001. That paragraph tells the defendant the date and location of the offense and the specifics of the offense conduct. more

11 Comments on The Sussmann Indictment Reads Like Overt Acts In Furtherance of a Conspiracy – Because That’s What It Is.

  1. In order for it to be a conspiracy it requires more than one person. Maybe Durham should go after the co-conspirators as well. He could even start a trend, you know, see a crime, find the criminals, prosecute the criminals, and sentence the criminals. This is the kind of thing that could catch on.

  2. THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT IT IS! but the Rove/Bush junta has been in bed with the Clintons for decades! Bush will; protect Clinton! As he has done for years!

    Comey was a “Bush Republican” Same For Mueller, Calper and Rod!

  3. Lying to a Government “Official” is punishable by law.
    (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001).

    Government “Officials” willingly and knowingly making materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements or representations to it’s citizens face no such accountability.
    Government “Officials” are exempt from the law imposed on its citizens.
    That’s the deep state who are knowingly encouraged to spin and lie with false and misleading statements. Just listen to the Press Secretary’s (Psaki) responses or the other public affairs offices from the State Department, Dept. of Defense, DOJ, HHS, FBI, FDA, Fauci, Joint Chiefs, Pelosi, Schumer or the President.
    They all should face a Grand Jury.

  4. I saw a twitter post from shipwreckedcrew the other day and was actually going to reference it in the previous thread about Durham here (I don’t have a twitter account, I just surf other people’s twitter feeds).

    “If the Mueller SCO was tasked with examining ALL connections between Trump and Russia, why didn’t they figure out the Sussmann enterprise?”

  5. Sadly, my cynicism runs deep. Let me know if this amounts to anything more than theater.

    I don’t expect any response that will change mind my mind, although I will gladly reconsider if such a compelling response is out there.


    It’s just the expected obligatory bitching and complaining. Mean time the invasion over our southern border continues. It’s all mind games from the left who apparently hate blonde hair and blue eyes. But make no mistake they’re ecstatic wit the way things are going. Sell your children and buy more ammo.

  7. “If the Mueller SCO was tasked with examining ALL connections between Trump and Russia, why didn’t they figure out the Sussmann enterprise?” ~ Ted Nougat

    lemme take a wild guess …. because Muleface couldn’t care less about demonratzi malfeasance?

  8. Mueller, in his diminished capacity was a figure head of the Democrats’ attorney political hacks of the investigative committee.
    Mueller never wrote the report, given his testimony, I Doubt he read it.
    He was a paid stooge.

  9. I jumped to the last page of this story to save myself the stress of false hope. The bad guys get away with it. In fact, that should be the sole wording of the new constitution of our new country called the Unbridled Shitpile of America, The Bad Guys Get Away with It.

  10. I just hope these guys don’t get disappeared.
    Devin Nunes made a comment to that affect the other night on tv.
    Saying people who have gone against the Clintons seem to disappear.
    Smart of him to say so in public.
    Maybe Sussman’s “suicide” will be averted.


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