The Symbolic Silver Safety Pin on Social Media Post Trump Election – IOTW Report

The Symbolic Silver Safety Pin on Social Media Post Trump Election


People on social media are adding a silver safety pin to their avatars to indicate their opposition to Donald Trump.

You know where else you see a silver safety pin? On a diaper-


ht/ illustr8r




25 Comments on The Symbolic Silver Safety Pin on Social Media Post Trump Election

  1. Yes indeed, the safety pin shall serve as a beacon for moozlum barbarians and other inner city predators. The safety pin identifies the wearer as a simpleton and weakling. Good thinking.

  2. What the FUCK — safety pins, safety nets, safe spaces ….. these liberal crybabies need to be back in their mothers’ wombs…. Oh that’s right, that’s not a safe space either, thanks to Planned Parenthood.

    Way to go — Liberal morons!

  3. Nice to know. Not that they’re difficult to recognize in public anyway, but if seen in town, it’ll be easier to publicly humiliate them with their overt display. After all, aren’t they the first one’s to ‘cry’, 1st AMENDMENT, when it suites them?

  4. I saw this today at a food court, though the sign on the box of pins said it was in support of those upset with Brexit. I thought it odd that people would be upset at Brexit here in the US, and the nice homosexual that was sporting it behind the counter made no mention of the election or brexit, etc. Maybe it was encoded so us nasty deplorables didn’t know what the message was.

  5. The “mommy, come wipe my butt” movement.

    The chose well, in the case of the diaper pin.
    If anybody sees some dipshit wearing one, just ask them what the diaper pin is for and laugh at whatever answer they give you.

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