The Term “Establishment” Has Lost All Meaning for Me – I Blame the Establishment – IOTW Report

The Term “Establishment” Has Lost All Meaning for Me – I Blame the Establishment

Seriously, this is becoming absurd. Now Sarah Palin has come out and called Ted Cruz the establishment.

By my count everyone I have ever heard of has either accused others of being the establishment or they have been accused of being the establishment.

The more I say it, the more it loses its meaning.

Someone, please tell me. Who isn’t the establishment?


44 Comments on The Term “Establishment” Has Lost All Meaning for Me – I Blame the Establishment

  1. Who isn’t the establishment?

    Ron Paul, and a whole shitload of other smart people who don’t appear in either the mainstream news channels or the “established” alternative channels. You actually have to expend some significant effort to find them, including the effort to examine your assumptions.

  2. It is a meaningless emoticon that the lofo’s want to see attached to every twatter post.
    The ‘establishment’ is the people in power. Once your clown takes over, he/she/it becomes the ‘establishment’.
    Lather, rinse, repeat.
    When you are dealing with people so dumb that they will claim their politician is not a politician, well, no further comment needed.

  3. People over 50?
    Karl Rove?
    Mr. Pinko?

    the action of establishing something or being established.
    a business organization, public institution, or household.

    a group in a society exercising power and influence over matters of policy or taste, and seen as resisting change.

  4. “The Establishment” has come to mean anyone in opposition to those who oppose the establishment.

    That is to say, the antidisestablishmentarians.

    (Bucket list! I have waited my entire adult life to use that word in a sentence!)

  5. What is Sarah Palin doing?!? Does she think she’s got a spot in the Bush/Rubio administration? Seriously.

    (Again, no Alaskan that Mr. illustr8r knows of, speaks like her. It’s one of life’s great mysteries.)

  6. There’s a ton of video of her when she worked for a news station. She didn’t talk that way then. WTF. I love Sarah. I just don’t won’t to hear her talk. Wow, Dejavu it’s like I’m 20 again. Except back then I had a solution.

  7. When she was chosen to run with McCain it seemed that I was the only person I knew who had ever heard of her and I actually had been following her for some time and admired her political career. Today I wouldn’t let her park,her carin my driveway. Let’s just say that I am not fickle in the least, she and her idiot offspring had to put a lot of effort into making such asses of themselves to accomplish what they have in changing my opinion.

  8. The accent is Canadian/Minnesotan and yah, it’s tick der….take a 4 day trip up through Vancouver, lower and upper BC, the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and tell me that you might not have a hitch in your sing-a-long…eh…?…I’ve heard 7 ft. Athabascans with the same inflection in their voice….

  9. “Establishment” is simply the antonymic epithet of “Extremist.”

    In, and of, itself, it means absolutely nothing.

    It is a vaguery designed to elicit an emotion, not an idea.

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