The term “owner” is racially insensitive says dribbling moron – IOTW Report

The term “owner” is racially insensitive says dribbling moron


TMZ Sports reports that two teams have already renamed their ownership and the league is looking at possibilities for renaming franchise executives in a way that’s more respectful to players. The Philadelphia 76ers recently rebranded their owners as “managing partners,” and the Los Angeles Clippers now call their majority stakeholder a “chairman.”

The move comes in response to comments made last year by Golden State Warrior, Draymond Green, who told the cast of HBO’s sports show, “The Shop,” that he believed the term “owner” was racially insensitive, since it implied league executives actually owned individual players rather than stakes or shares in NBA teams.

“You shouldn’t say owner,” Green told the panel, suggesting that a title like CEO made more sense.

Not everyone supports the change, though. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban addressed Green’s concerns specifically, noting that “owner” was an apt description, given that the person referred to by the term actually does own the team and is tasked with paying the team’s bills rather than making team management decisions, the way a CEO might.


15 Comments on The term “owner” is racially insensitive says dribbling moron

  1. They can stop calling them owners when players stop listening to music with the N-word that call women bitches and hoes (especially in team facilities.), then they can play word police concerning title’s and roles and resolve this disambiguation.

    Pass the Grey Poupon.

  2. Some of the taller slaves traded a cotton plantation for one of hardwood.

    By their definition, everyone’s a slave and every employer a slavemaster. I wish my slavemaster paid me $100M to play a child’s game where the goal never rises despite generations of players being bred and scouted to be as tall as the object of the game.

    Usually when travelling illegally, the Fugitive Slave Act was invoked. Now they just suspend the travelling rules and you can take as many steps as you want.

  3. Then these woke players get in their managed Porsche’s, Bentley’s and Maybachs and return to their big fancy homes they are stakeholders of.🤔

  4. So now moronic Africans are telling us what we can say! “Youse peeple con’t peep owners owners”! Yes, Massa African-whatever you say Massa African!

  5. If you paid me as much as the lowest-paid NBA player, I’d call you Massa and let you use the whip on me when I done wrong. Pay me that kind of money, and I’d be yo Steppin Fetchit.


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