The Things that Wouldn’t Go Away! – IOTW Report

The Things that Wouldn’t Go Away!

American Thinker- The Clintons are back, demonstrating their bona fides again as The Things that Wouldn’t Go Away.

Mike Allen at Axios has been keeping tabs on the family and notes that after a short period of lying low, there’s a new spate of pan-Clinton activity slated for spring, and oh, it does make him weary.  He writes:

Why it matters: This family has been on the national stage for 26 years – all or most of the lifetime of anyone under 50.  Chelsea Clinton, now 38, was 11 when her father, Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, announced his entry into the race for the Democratic presidential nomination in October 1991.  He was 45 then; is 71 now.

(Don’t miss the excellent graphic attached to this story, which sums up well what we’re in for.)

Allen’s sentiment echoes that of many Democrats who just want this bunch to exit stage left and let new faces come forward.  We already see this in the ultra-young blank slate left-wing candidates being put forth for the supposed “blue wave” slated to take over Congress, as well as Democrats’ leadership manipulating and rigging who gets on the ballot.  The Democratic establishment has already let us know how it feels about the Clintons lingering around in politics, and it’s not pretty.  As the Democrats try to retake their ground and reorganize, the Clintons come back to suck all the air from the room.  For them, this is complicated.  read more

16 Comments on The Things that Wouldn’t Go Away!

  1. Well, think about it. What else do these two grifters know? That’s right, nothing else. And besides, there ain’t no kinda money spigot out there like ye olde campaign contributions. No one pays serious attention to all that money coming and going and circling the wallets.


  2. The Clintons care little about the Democratic Party, or anyone, except as it can help them. I am happy for them to siphon money from those who would support them, to continue to be a public black eye for the Dems, and to hurt reelection chances for many Dems who are associated with them. They are annoying, but boy do they help our cause!

  3. Not a single one of them in government, and they’re only fleecing lefty idiots. Plus Hillary will have plenty of opportunities to fall down in public. What’s not to like?

  4. @Zonga
    There has been nothing coming out of the DOJ or FBI that would lead them to any other belief.

    Bill and Hillary are two corrupt politicians who have fully exploited the benefits of the two tiered Judicial System for 48 years, from Arkansas, to Washington D.C. to New York, Washington D.C. and back to New York.

    They prove the elite are exempt from the laws of this Nation.

  5. Geoff C, I’m still trying to wrap my head around Romney financing his Senate campaign with millions left over from his failed Presidential campaign.

  6. Hillary is owed dammit. She was meant to be the first female POTUS. And she still has a supply of herstory t-shirts to celebrate the win. Only problem is while Trumps approval has risen hers has fallen to new lows. And her Onward Together is nothing more than fleecing the Dem base and forget about opting out or changing the amount once you make the mistake of signing up.


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