The time for hearings is over. It’s time for action. – IOTW Report

The time for hearings is over. It’s time for action.

Yes, these are great questions by senator Cruz, but we had that act from Trey Gowdy for a decade, and by my count his great theater led to zero convictions or policy changes.

I do not want to live in fear of Google any longer. I’ve been banned from youtube and I’m constantly in Twitter jail, all for “creating an unsafe environment”… FOR PROGRESSIVES!

If I just stick my head up for a moment on social media I am labeled a racist because I do not agree with leftist ideology. How is that not an “unsafe environment” for me on social media? How is that not creating undue daily stress, expecting at any moment to be deplatformed for the crime of not voting “correctly”?

These fascists immune themselves from publisher liability by claiming to be just a platform, yet they act like publishers, regulating content that they do not agree with.

They can’t have it both ways. Force them to admit they are publishers and let the lawsuits begin! (As a publisher they would be open to lawsuits that all publishers face when content is libelous or defamatory.)

ht/ hot salsa

15 Comments on The time for hearings is over. It’s time for action.

  1. Hearings?……..Hearings?……..we don’t need no stinking hearings!!! Investigations and hearings, we don’t have time for that anymore. We need to move straight to sentencing and building the gallows.

  2. Senator Cruz is at a crossroads, he has the opportunity to choose the path he follows. My inclination is that he doesn’t want Trey Gowdy’s legacy following him the rest of his life.

  3. Yes, it is time for action, for prosecutions. Will it happen? Or is this theatre simply a pressure valve relieving the built up anger and meant to allow a continuation of the status quo?

    Prosecutions must occur for crimes blatantly committed. The nation will not be the same if the connected are allowed to slide… again.

  4. Just lift their immunity and make it retroactive to the point at which they wantonly and gratuitously violated the standard set when immunity was granted and Google will be busier than a one armed paper hanger defending itself from the lawsuits.

  5. Ted and Tray are very different. Tray, as i’ve said many times the last 6 years is a Bush/Rove/Obama UNIParty man. Trey has no morals so he lies without shame.

    Ted is the antithesis of the Obama/Bush clique. A charter member of the UNIPARTY (now dead) when Ted was about to kill RomneyCare, lost his cool and called Ted a “WACO BIRD!”! NEVER IN HIS LIFE DID JOHN CALL TREY A NAME. BOTH LIBERAL GOPE!


  6. “They can’t have it both ways. Force them to admit they are publishers and let the lawsuits begin! (As a publisher they would be open to lawsuits that all publishers face when content is libelous or defamatory.)”
    And include the internet ‘MSM’, Huffpoo, TheAtlantic, VICENews, etc,.

  7. We are living in the ultimate nightmare where morning never arrives – like that ground-hog day movie, only its years now. Its just a big carnival house of horrors, but without an exit and the creeps just switch masks every 1/2 hour. Could Rod Sterling still be alive and working in Washington as a script writer behind the scenes???

  8. Congress will do exactly jack squat about this. The big question is, will Trump?

    Doubtful… a pre-election prosecution of Google? Twitter? Facebook? Or any of their subsidiaries? Snowball’s chance in hell.

    We’re all just swirling around in the commode ready to be flushed. And remember, Conservatives are the largest voting block in the country. Open borders, silence the opposition, rig the elections… Obama’s transformation of America is complete.


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