The Tiny Dot – IOTW Report

The Tiny Dot

The tiny dot has an absurd amount of power and influence over a much more powerful body of dots. How?

ht/ billy fuster

14 Comments on The Tiny Dot

  1. Like Bill Whittle said, Everyone and every company
    pays 10% to the Federal Govt. and that is what they
    can spend, period.End of story.Could you imagine
    the boost to the economy ?

  2. It leaves an important fact — there is no one big throng. Most of the throng isn’t paying attention, and over half of the throng uses the tiny dot and its enforcers to take money from the other half of the throng.

  3. Now an equally little dot is telling us all to shelter in place, give up our livelihood and lives and we can only do what they say when they say which includes never going back to our normal lives. Cuomo said today if you want to work get a job as an essential worker. Economic hardship doesn’t equal death. If this doesn’t push the majority of dots to push back and wake up we are doomed. And it explains exactly why this is happening, they think they’ll have scared enough of the dot population to comply and turn on those of us that won’t comply. They are actually building a bigger army of enforcers scaring the hell out of people.

  4. I understand what Bad_Brad is saying back there. There are two things that disappoint me about businesses. 1. When they act as an enforcement arm of the government. 2. When they operate with debt even after being in business for years.

  5. The problem with this dot story is a large number of the dots want other people’s money. But they’re either unable or to cowardly to steal the money themselves from the person that worked to earn it, so they vote into power the little dot and its enforcers that are willing to do the stealing for them. Plus a large number of them are more than willing to be a snitch and answer the call of De Blasio types to rat out their neighbors.

    While fixing dinner I watched a show on Oxygen channel about Yahweh ben Yahweh, the thug leader of a cult [Nation of Yahweh] wherein many people willingly believed his message of hope, a better life, and he was the savior of the world. I though – if I turned off the sound and substituted a few different names I could easily think of the show as being about the Demonrat party and their supporters. Who believe their message ‘ We will make your life better, if you vote for us’. Decades pass and their lives don’t improve. And then the party leaders clearly reveal themselves as eager wannabe tyrants when a convenient pandemic hits the nation.

  6. Here’s a bit of research I did to prove that this virus is nothing more then another 911 hoax !
    As always you humble Doctor Buckwheat has some facts for you to look at to prove this wonderful False Flag Establishment crap they have instigated on the sheaple of EARTH
    READ the average number of NORMAL death rates Per Year of the Same causes of death they are claiming as Covid patients.

    ITALY 2012

    USA Numbers:

    Average number of Children

    Average number in China from different causes.

    I will not bore you with medical papers that go future into detail
    Medical conclusions:
    By taking the number of average death rates per year, they have used that number to cause an Economic collapse based on Fear and dept to create a demise in the Cash Dollar.
    So people and businesses get so far behind in paying their Mortgage, Credit card bills, Loans, and Phone bills, that there can only be one answer to their: Problem-Reaction-Solution

    Ohh by the way, how many of you personally know someone who has died of this so called plague ?
    💪 (❛ ͜ʖ❛) 👊 Huuuuyaaaaaa !


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