The Tom & Bernie Tour Is Off To A Rough Start for DNC Chair – IOTW Report

The Tom & Bernie Tour Is Off To A Rough Start for DNC Chair

DNC chair Tom Perez and failed presidential nominee Senator Bernie Sanders kicked off their nationwide, “Come Together Fight Back” tour in Portland, ME last night.  While the crowd appeared to enthusiastically support the senator from Vermont, they booed Perez when his name was mentioned by the head of Maine Young Democrats, Claire Cummings.


The rally tour is scheduled to make seven more stops this week Here

4 Comments on The Tom & Bernie Tour Is Off To A Rough Start for DNC Chair

  1. The only people their rank and file like are all avowed socialist. They’ve been radicalizing over there for years, now they are going to pay the political price for their folly for a generation or more.

  2. Only a taste, wait ’til you see whats to come. Maxine is now a regular on msNBC. Bernie has CNN. It’s a lip-smack-alicious Joy to behold, and record, for prosterity (sic), eh?

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