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LWC: Fear not, this video is short. Listing all the reasons Hillary Clinton is a disaster is something not even a Hollywood special effects department could adequately capture.3 It would take a series of videos to document the carnage. In fact you wouldn’t be able to watch them in your lifetime. Or God’s lifetime. So we had to pick the most pressing reasons Hillary is the human equivalent of the San Andreas fault. With shrill lava. Lots of shrill, hot, painful lava.
And on the flip side of that, Ted Nugent’s reasons TO vote for Trump:
The Nuge makes some good points:
Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
George Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro’s are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump
Cher says she will leave the country
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
Whoopi says she will leave the country
Rosie says she will leave the country
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall
Wifey is at the Trump Roanoke VA town hall. 3000 supporters, 13 dissenters. I suggested she ask how will he effectively exchange OB care for a workable system, given the chance.
@PHenry: You had me at Cher.
Hillary is severely mentally ill.