The Trash Police – IOTW Report

The Trash Police

green police

NRO– The geniuses who govern the city of Seattle have passed a law mandating that no more than 10 percent of the garbage produced by any household, multifamily dwelling, or business be composed of material that is recyclable or compostable. At the moment, violators are receiving warning tags on their garbage, but in January they’ll start receiving fines. The fines are not really punitive — at $1 per violation for individuals and $50 for businesses, they’re more a form of harassment.

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12 Comments on The Trash Police

  1. Seattle 2050,
    Lazlo the Elder was detained for re-education and re-evaluation for crimes against the Earth on Leafday (formerly Tuesday).
    Mr. Lazlo was approached by members of the Enviro-Youth after public toilet data detected indicator levels in Mr. Lazlo’s urine that show presence of unhealthy food and drink choices.
    Mr. Lazlo was cited for coarse language and using heteronormative bias language and for calling the Public Officials “Shitheads” and “Nazi Punks” and was booked for macro-aggression including breaking the light on top of the Enviro-Prius-Share-Vehicle with his cane.
    The State has decided Mr. Lazlo is eligible for forfeiture of real estate, forcible reprogramming and/or re-education, and years of mandatory community service in the recycling plant.

  2. **Screams into pillow**

    OK, so KW addressed my exact thoughts, thoughts that occurred to me before I even opened the article. My point is that no one who dreamed up this boneheaded scheme thought about this?

    One: How do you “guesstimate” jellybeans/garbage?

    Two: How on earth could you ever appeal if the trash is now in the middle of a dump?

    My other thought is: I guess the idiocy has spread from San Fran–so now in Seattle, too, people are **required** to compost, whether they want to or not? I think I just might scream until the lefty’s eardrums burst if someone demanded I compost. Maybe someday I’ll do it, it could be rewarding (whatever), but right now I have so many other obligations I’m lucky I can keep my head on straight.

    Are there any normal people living in Seattle?

  3. One dollar per violation, huh? Assuming once a week trash pickup, it sounds like fifty bucks would buy you about a year’s worth of throwing away any damn thing you want. Might be worth it.


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