The Triumph of the Beta Male???? – IOTW Report

The Triumph of the Beta Male????

Hollywood Reporter is reporting that the “Beta Male” has triumphed. Its headline goes with a photo of four actors that star in a cable tv show that depicts nerds that own a tech startup company.

The beta males have triumphed? At what and with who?

Ladies, I am going to put up two comments. One says Alpha Males, the other says Beta Males.

Pick the type of guy you prefer to have in your life. Vote with the thumbs.


34 Comments on The Triumph of the Beta Male????

  1. I grew up in a matriarchy from age 10 after my dad died. My sister and I determined that we HAD to marry men we evaluated as superior to us in intellect and confidence otherwise we would unintentionally emasculate them.

    We didn’t know the terms Alpha or Beta males, but we intuitively knew what a guy should be. We both crushed a few Betas along the way, especially the ones who flashed their daddy’s money at us.

  2. I love strong men, ready to protect me and any other weaker female, male, child – that is damn attractive! And the strong men don’t necessarily need to be all that strong – just willing to try!

  3. “I love strong men, ready to protect me and any other weaker female, male, child ”

    OK, It’s not about that. Well it is, but it isn’t. Alpha males kill the threat. No matter who’s behind them. It’s that damn threat that spurs them. And in the long run only the threat. I understand these people.

  4. oh, look! … the ‘Big Bang’ dweebs all grown up! …. isn’t that cute?

    I seriously doubt if there is enough testosterone there to give one decent sample to the night deposit box at the sperm bank

    I’m thinking even Barry O would bitch-slap these ….. whatchamacallits

  5. Favorite Broadway play: “The Big Gay Musical”
    Favorite Food: Tofu Turkey
    Favorite Drink: Soy Milk
    Favorite Car: Prius
    Favorite Sport: Xbox, Dance dance Revolution
    Favorite Pasttime: Cooking, cleaning, sewing and a real talent for decorating.
    Dream Vacation: A week in and around Castro Street,San Franscisco
    Bars you like to go to:
    The Cinch, The Stud, SF Eagle and the wild Side West.
    Favorite color: Chartreuse

  6. I’m with riverlife_callie in that beta males make my skin crawl also. Putrid. I threw up a little looking at that picture. I have gay male friends who are more alpha than that crew.

  7. Living in Seattle, I often see the pretty co-ed who was likely a prom queen dating a beta male programmer type. She’s usually 2-3 inches taller than him. He’s the atypical nerd with a pilly sweater that doesn’t hide his tiny rubber tire well (a gut, when you are in your 20’s?!?). All I can determine is that she is betting he’s the next Zuckerberg. It is Revenge of the Nerds-they have the money now and the girls!

    Similar thing happened here in the late 80’s and 90’s but the guys were grunge rockers. That made more sense.

  8. “Living in Seattle, I often see the pretty co-ed who was likely a prom queen dating a beta male programmer type. She’s usually 2-3 inches taller than him. He’s the atypical nerd with a pilly sweater that doesn’t hide his tiny rubber tire well (a gut, when you are in your 20’s?!?). All I can determine is that she is betting he’s the next Zuckerberg.”

    Or, he’s the manliest choice she can find there?

  9. Frankly, I think they look like Beta Moles.

    How embarrassing to have been featured as such. ….Lady in Red

    PS: I have wondered if “Pajama Boy” has ever recovered from his photo shoot.

  10. Reminds me of the time in 8th or 9th grade when a boy my mother referred to as ‘a nice boy’ invited me to the chess club after school. Every nerd from every class was there. And one other girl. My immediate thought was ‘I am NOT going to be in this yearbook photo.’ I never went back, to that club or any other school sponsored activity.
    Didn’t get married until I was 30, when I fell for a fellow who takes risks, makes stuff, fixes things, talks shite, and has more than enough attitude for both of us, which I balance with a quiet determination to keep us this side of legal.

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