The True Trump Cult – IOTW Report

The True Trump Cult

Patriot Retort:

I don’t know why they say Trump supporters are a cult. From where I’m sitting, it seems to me the true Trump Cult is the American news media.

They can’t function without the guy.

Donald Trump has been their raison d’être for over four years. And even now that he’s out of office, the Media Trump Cult just can’t quit him.

From how often they report on him, write about him and toss his name into every on-air panel, you’d think Donald Trump was still the President. more

12 Comments on The True Trump Cult

  1. My mom rents a place on her Pacific Palisades property to a complete socialist/atheist dweeb, and for the past 4+ yrs has been all over the anti-Trump bandwagon. All day long on computer with Rachel Maddow blaring on the boob tube, etc..

    Every morning, could NOT WAIT for the LA times. Now, he has little to do and no interest in the paper.

    Some things are just fun to watch as they evolve.

  2. If patriotism is a cult, I’m in!
    There’s never been a better country, that is more powerful, more productive and more generous for ANYONE to live in then the United States…. and that’s what scares the shit outta China!!

  3. I’m part of that Trump Cult the Libtards like to talk about. I’m a big Trump fan because of his rock solid economic policies. Nobody on the left discusses policy. Maybe they don’t understand it. They do understand Orange Man Bad. Ah, why worry. Jobama’s going to pay you $15.00 an hour. That will solve all of your problems.

  4. It’s kind of funny – because cults of personality and the worship of criminals and perverts as godheads is almost a wholly-owned subsidiary of the nihilistic totalitarians. There are still Russians who worship that wax dummy of Lenin just as there are many in the Biden camp who worship that megalomaniacal pedophile Mao.

    It’s almost as if they’re daring us to hang them.

    izlamo delenda est …


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