The Trump Crime That Will Never Be Forgiven – Beating Hillary – IOTW Report

The Trump Crime That Will Never Be Forgiven – Beating Hillary

The dems’ latest hunt for impeachment is just more petty payback for beating Hillary.

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8 Comments on The Trump Crime That Will Never Be Forgiven – Beating Hillary

  1. And the Dems again reveal that they are TOTALLY INCURIOUS about the enormous scale of the Bidens’ corruption and theft.

    Similarly, a ten year old will tell you that Bubba CLinton was Epstein compadre in the molestation of underage girls, but the Democrats wouldn’t be caught dead denouncing a fellow corruptocrat, would they?

    Like reprimanded dogs, they keep their heads down and only recite: bad man orange

  2. After electing Obama twice, the Democrats just assumed they would remain in power forever and any opposition to their agenda would never have a political voice again.

    They can’t accept anything different, that’s unthinkable to them.


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