The “Trump Curse” – IOTW Report

The “Trump Curse”


This “Trump Curse” trend has become such a common occurrence that exasperated liberals have taken to calling President Trump the “Teflon Don,” suggesting that no scandal or accusation manages to stick to him. They dismiss any suggestion of his resilience and success. It’s just pure “dumb luck.” What they can’t grasp, thanks to their Stage 5 TDS, is that there are higher forces at work here, forces whose job it is to iron out life’s wrinkles. Whether you chalk it up to karma, justice, or God’s divine intervention, there’s something real at work here, acting as a safeguard against evil. But trying to break this down for the liberals who are constantly nursing their bruised egos is hopeless. They’re convinced every misstep in life is the Orange Man’s doing, and Trump comes away unscathed. In their eyes, Trump’s just blindly lucking out, tripping over buckets of fortune as he bumbles through life.

25 Comments on The “Trump Curse”

  1. History lesson for those <60.

    Post hates ronny, has done so for 60 years.
    It fabricated a story to put Ronny down.
    Readskins had star db on their champion team 43 years ago. Had a degree from Notre Dame. Not only could not figure quebc root of 64; but square root of 16. Admitted could only read 5 words other than his name on his diploma. Post said out was "Giper's" fault.
    Ronny never had any connection in real life! Most folk understood that movies are fiction and the pot smear did not harm.
    So NYTimes coined "Teflon Reagan" to let u know that the post fiction should have hurt President!
    Times smear had same impact as the Post fiction.

    FAKE NEWS has been here at least 70 years.

    "Teflon Reagan" is 1 of many FAKE NEWS articles since Ike!Spell Check hates me!
    But so does the left! I survive.

  2. Aside from his immediate family, and even then the stoicism of the alpha male limits any real revelations, I doubt anyone has any idea the level of “scathed” that Trump has felt over the years, and the ultimate damage to his mental health and well being.

    From day one, they have lied about him, maligned him, belittles him, and fought him. There has never been a president that has been treated more unfairly and less given his due. They have attacked his family, his fortune and his reputation. To say that he has come away unscathed is laughable to me.

    He is still facing 4 serious criminal indictments and several civil lawsuits, including having to pay that hag E Jean Carroll several million. These all take a toll, and he is not exactly a young man.

    He needs to win this November, there is no other way around it.

  3. We need Donald j. Trump to win and rally the country. There is no one else who can do it right now. You Democrats and liberals out there know this as well as we do. Because if you don’t, you’ll be among the first to fall under your own totalitarianism.

  4. FWIW:

    As per the NY POST & Y-tube’s channel The Quartering, JON STEWART has just been found to have OVERVALUED his OWN New York HOME by a claimed 829%.

    Hmmm, I wonder if La-Queefa James will prosecute?

    Source: NY POST Mar 27/2024

    Must have been a Glass House

  5. Absolutely, God’s divine intervention keeps President Trump safe. NO attack on him can be successful. Satan knows that, but since he’s evil incarnate he can’t change course. It won’t stop President Trump from fulfilling his purpose ordained by God.

  6. “Absolutely, God’s divine intervention keeps President Trump safe”

    We have a morning bitch session at my shop every morning with some surrounding biz owner. They meet at our shop because we have the best coffee. I run on coffee until about noon. Anyway, last week one of the guys blurted out, “Trumps the chosen one and God is protecting him”. The guys not that religious so it was kind of a, what did he just say, moment. But we all agreed. Trump obviously has something special going on. Imagine this, a guy who’s been in biz, in a cut throat market, as long as him, and he’s clean as a whistle. They need to manufacture dirt on the guy. Pretty amazing really.
    I just read that he called the widow of the murdered NYPD cops widow and arranged getting her mortgage paid off.

  7. Teflon my aching ass. The man fights back. The man is a real man who fights back. There is no valor, virtue or even dignity in a man who does not come out swinging when facing injustice.

  8. I agree with JDHasty.

    I have NEVER SEEN a candidate TRY SO HARD.

    His last campaign was EXHAUSTING as he tried his best to stop the steal.

    He was doing a marathon of rallies as Joey Shit Pants was hiding in the basement.

  9. “He won in 2020. What good did it do him?”

    Just knowing he won—and he knows—is enough to keep him in the game. And he thrives on the game. It does not wear him down; it wears his enemies down and ruins them, because it was supposed to be rigged in their favor, and yet here they all are, not passing go, not collecting $200, landing on Trump’s Park Place and wondering how he draws so many Get Out Of Jail Free cards when they stole them all from the deck.


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