The Trump Effect – Crazy, Nutball Who Can’t Be Trusted With Nukes Has China Going to NOKO For Diplomatic Sit Down – IOTW Report

The Trump Effect – Crazy, Nutball Who Can’t Be Trusted With Nukes Has China Going to NOKO For Diplomatic Sit Down

I wish people would stop with their asinine rhetoric.

Wait, no. Reverse that.

The more these people spout their asinine rhetoric while it reflects no similarity to the actual real world, the closer we get to 4 more years of Trump.

More asinine rhetoric please.

ht/ jmb


7 Comments on The Trump Effect – Crazy, Nutball Who Can’t Be Trusted With Nukes Has China Going to NOKO For Diplomatic Sit Down

  1. I’m not worried at all about PDT’s finger on the nuke trigger. What I am worried about is a Congress which pays Iran to build nuclear missiles and sells our uranium to Russia. So let’s drop the garment-rending over hysterical hypotheticals about Trump and deal with the treasonous truth about Congress.

  2. That’s because POTUS Trump has been able to repair the damage with Chinese diplomatic relations in his inimitable way. While Killery and Billery were stealing the WH door knobs, he was writing “The Art of the Deal.” When obama was purportedly editing the Harvard Review and smoking weed, President Trump was building one of the largest mixed use projects in the history of New York city on a former wasteland. The President’s closest friends, like Tom Barrack, testified that “He played me like a Steinway piano” (in his negotiations). POTUS Trump doesn’t make idle threats or ship pallets of unmarked money in the dark of night. No, he shares a video of his granddaughter singing a simple folk song and sending greetings to “Grandpa Xi and Grandma Peng.” Now, you tell me about any other U.S. President in history who has ever understood how to disarm his opponent in this way? You can’t. POTUS Trump understands that negotiations cannot be successful unless and until those you are negotiating with feel your deepest respect toward them. Trump understands China’s pay value better than the best scholars of Chinese diplomacy. And that’s how we win. And that’s how China wins. And, amazingly, that is how North Korea will also win.


    It’s global freezing!
    It’s acid rain!
    It’s nuclear annihilation!
    It’s the Ozone!
    It’s Alar poisoning on everything!
    It’s global warming!
    It’s all Bush’s fault!
    Everything gay rights!
    Everyone is a white supremacist!
    Everyone is now a rapist!
    Everything now is Tranny!

    It’s the latest hysteria. Time to secede from these people.

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