The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined – IOTW Report

The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined

CTH: Some, generally those who recognize a historic context within the moment of its manifest, will say that President Donald Trump carries an anointing – a protection that keeps harm from his purpose.

Others, mainly those who pontificate punditry while exclaiming, “the beginning of the end” and “the walls are closing in”, will likely gnash their horrible teeth and declare the bad man Trump is coated in Teflon. Albeit with a slowly lessening voice, while becoming even smaller than they were.

The indictment of Donald J. Trump IS HERE and the “statement of facts” IS HERE.  The situation, as it is represented within the text, is even more laughable than we could have imagined.  It is no wonder why the FEC, DOJ and Mueller Teams took a pass on the allegations.  The entire legal construct collapses on its face.

In the statement of facts, District Attorney Alvin Bragg says Donald Trump intended to, “influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negative information about him to suppress its publication and benefit the Defendant’s electoral prospects. In order to execute the unlawful scheme, the participants violated election laws and made and caused false entries in the business records of various entities in New York“… However, you will note one key element missing, the statute he supposedly violated. more

10 Comments on The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined

  1. Lots of ‘even smaller than they weres’
    But no worries
    There are Lots of Pictures of Them
    Even if They disappear
    We will never forget who They were
    Because Lots and Lots of Picts
    Grooving in a Cave
    Will Never Forget

    We Will Never Forget, Again

  2. I used to NOT be a racist, but after 50 years of working in the design/construction industry/profession, there is a reason why there are very few(if any)architects, engineers, interior designers who are black. I would also hazard a guess (despite the propaganda of Law and Order) that there are very few successful black lawyers/accountants. Many of them are affirmative action students who are just not that good at their jobs.

  3. What else would you expect from the democraps? It’s all a big joke that will backfire on them, but they don’t care because of their pure unbridled hatred of Donald Trump. This is what the result of having a reprobate mind is. And the democraps and RINO’s as well as Never Trumpers are plum full of reprobates.

  4. I feel bad for President Trump because he made the deliberate decision to leave NY to live in FL. And they dragged him back to that absolute shithole, for illegitimate reasons.

  5. The liberal commies that jubilantly accused Trump of false and improvable accusations should likewise be publicly humiliated with actual and provable offenses punishable by law….assuming we still have ‘law’.

  6. Polly want a cracker? Parroting alive & well here. Taking bets Trump will be back in that court before his due date. He just can’t help himself with the threats. He will be held on contempt of court for not following the judges order.

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