The Trump Surge is Real – Jobs Planned By Businesses On the Horizon – IOTW Report

The Trump Surge is Real – Jobs Planned By Businesses On the Horizon

Get Ready for the Trump Jobs Rally-

NFIB survey finds surge in hiring plans.

wsj- Stock markets have been surging since Election Day as investors look forward to lower taxes and less regulation under President-elect Donald Trump. A new survey due out later today suggests that small business owners have also become more optimistic since November 8th.

The National Federation of Independent Business monthly employment survey for November will show that owners of small firms are preparing for a better future. “A seasonally adjusted net 15 percent plan to create new jobs, up 5 points from October and the strongest reading in the recovery,” NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg tells us. “Not seasonally adjusted, 17 percent plan to increase employment at their firm (up 3 points), and 9 percent plan reductions (down 1 point),” he adds.

This doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll see a big job surge when the Labor Department reports on November employment across the economy tomorrow morning. Mr. Dunkelberg says that among the small businesses in the NFIB survey, “Reported job creation remained weak in November with the seasonally adjusted average employment change per firm posting a gain of 0.02 workers per firm”—just barely positive. He expects that the official government unemployment rate could fall slightly for November.

 It is the signal on future hiring from NFIB that is most encouraging. The owners of public corporations and the owners of small private firms are now both expecting faster growth under Trumponomics.


What a stunning rebuke of Obamanomics.

12 Comments on The Trump Surge is Real – Jobs Planned By Businesses On the Horizon

  1. Businesses have been hoarding cash for the past 8 years, waiting for a non-Socialist leader. Now get rid of the ObamaCare shackles to free cash for a decade long economic expansion.

  2. Trump has had more positive impact on the economy 50 days before he is sworn in than 0bama had in 8 years of being preezy.



  3. In my real job I talk with at least 75 CEO’s and small-business owners a week. Since the New Depression began in 2008, they have routinely told me that they were being strangled by the constant shit-drizzle of anti-business jobs-killing regulations spewing out of Washington DC’s butthole. I heard bitching even from Democrat business owners! They all said there was no way they were going to risk money by expanding their businesses. Rather, the cash-rich debt-free ones were using the New Depression to buy up their competitors and bide their time until the Adults Would Be Back In Charge. Simply put, using a pizza to illustrate the economy, the size of the pizza didn’t get bigger – the slices got fewer.

    I’ve been saying since Aught-8 that if you liked the amazing prosperity of the American economy after Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract With America, wait until you have the Repubs in charge of the House, Senate and White House. It will make 1994 look puny by comparison. Having a strong leader like Trump running things is just icing on the cake.

    President Trump will knock McConnell’s and Ryan’s heads together like the Three Stooges and tell those knuckleheads to start generating pro-American legislation that he can put a pen to.

  4. Still, I’m buying popcorn futures.
    I imagine those that DJT picks for his administration might, just might, think they can get away with business a usual. Tell DJT what he wants to hear, play nice with the press, and do whatever they want, the way the want to. DJT is a businessman, not a politician, he’s not going to give they much rope. Gonna be some major butthurt RINO’s (Brino ?)in the next 4 years.

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