The Trumpocrats in the Rust Belt- Are They Out There? – IOTW Report

The Trumpocrats in the Rust Belt- Are They Out There?

This former democrat says he’s got over a million Trumpocrats pledging to vote for Trump because of lost manufacturing jobs in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Is this part of the monster vote?

Do we believe him?

15 Comments on The Trumpocrats in the Rust Belt- Are They Out There?

  1. I’ve talked to a LOT of hard-line Democrats in coal country who do not hesitate when they say they are voting for Trump. Most cite HilLIARy’s dishonesty and shady deals for the switch.

  2. THIS is the true “Change” election!
    Eight years ago there was never any reason to Fundamentally Change the most powerful, most free, most productive, most generous nation on the face of the Earth.
    NOW there is!
    Make America Great Again!

  3. @The Rat Fink — I think there was a whole lot to change before obama and that’s why people were suckered into voting for him in the first place. Our gov’t has been incredibly broken for long, long time – most especially starting with clinton, but even further back than that. In my adult life I never felt as though I had a president or a congress who really represented me or my interests. There was always a compromise being made that fell far short of what could have been possible, and the emphasis on tribal interests increased so much over the years it felt like one could feel their ever-shrinking franchise as an American first over a hyphenated or protected class-American or minority of some kind. Social issues figured too centrally in elections and year-over-year inflation of the cost of consumer goods, services, food and rent were out of control and unions grew beyond their necessity and pushed for unreasonable perks to the point that it made greater sense for companies to offshore. We should never have anything like a public employees’ union, for example.

    One bad administration has followed another and another for a very long time.

  4. Rat Fink — Oh, absolutely. obama bowed and scraped his way across the globe, telling all our traditional and new enemies that America has a soft underbelly and here’s how you can overtake her. You’re so right about that.

    I just didn’t want to start looking back at the Bush regimes with fond nostalgia. 😉

  5. It was announced yesterday that Washington state had a record-shattering number of new voter registrations this month just before the online voter registration deadline. They didn’t say for which party, but I hope (and it make sense) that it would be for the R’s, because, man-oh-man, there are almost zero killery signs or bumper stickers in King county (Seattle area), and the Trump GOTV is humming along.

    Please spend an hour this week to GOTV, talk to old friends and neighbors (and those girls at your coffee drive-through) about Trump.

  6. We will see Nov 8. The Dems and their media say it is over but their actions say otherwise. Articles yesterday about how Trump falling apart might hurt Hillary if unenthusiastic stay home. They know people aren’t excited to vote for her. I can only hope a blizzard blankets half the country that day.

  7. Weather on Nov 08 will matter YUGE-ly.

    Trump supporters will stand for hours in a blizzard or a thunderstorm to vote.

    Clintonistas, not so much.

    And I firmly believe that 1/3 to 1/2 of the betrayed Bernie Supporters will just stay home.

    Trump 2016.

  8. Obama appointed federal judge extended Florida registration first one day (today) nod they. An additional six days (a week after what state law allows). Governor Rick was following the state constitution by not extending, but the judge overruled the entire state just to get more of Hillary’s supporters registered.

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