The Truth About Huma Abedin – IOTW Report

The Truth About Huma Abedin

Breitbart has an article about Hillary fuming mad about some very, very rare unfriendly reporting about Huma Abedin. Vanity Fair wrote an article called “Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?”

Media Matters, a group that Hillary has admitted she has in her back pocket because she was an early and generous donator, sprung into action. They wrote a hit piece criticizing Vanity Fair for going off script.

In Breitbart’s article they quote a toady from New York magazine, Mark Jacobson,  that wrote a fawning piece about Huma. Actually, fawning is the wrong word. There hasn’t been a word invented yet that can adequately describe the tongue bath they give this Abedin creature.

Here are 4 examples. They are so wildly over-the-top I’ve abandoned the original post to just focus on this —–>


Mark Jacobson. (Why are so many leftists unfortunate looking? Does looking a certain way make you a leftist, or vise versa?)

1. “She approached in a knit white top and navy-blue business skirt, her dark, almost black hair down to her shoulders. She wore bright-red lipstick, which gave her lips a 3-D look, her brown eyes were pools of empathy evolved through a thousand generations of what was good and decent in the history of the human race.”

2. “Of course, you’d seen pictures before. But you’d also seen pictures of the Taj Mahal. It didn’t quite come up to actually being there.”

3. “Huma looked at Weiner with bemusement. It was quite possible that she was the most cosmopolitan human being on Earth.”

4. “The harsh, cheap buck lighting in the coffee shop couldn’t lay a glove on her. By the time she sat down, the harmony of angels had vanquished the tinny background music from every corporate space on the planet.”


This is Huma Abedin we’re talking about, right?


We don’t even view the Weiner/Abedin coupling as a wild mismatch in terms of beauty –

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner and wife Huma Abedin eating ice cream on Broadway at 30th Street as they spend Saturday afternoon walking around Manhattan. Weiner was holding his wife's bag.   Original Filename: IMG_0120.jpg

I want to post a pictograph for this slobbering journolister.




28 Comments on The Truth About Huma Abedin

  1. “her brown eyes were pools of empathy evolved through a thousand generations of what was good and decent in the history of the human race.”

    No. It’s just a mascara called, “Yes, they’re real”, made by Benefit. So calm down Lady Mc Scotchbreath.

  2. “As she strode aside the beast called Hillary, she made the homely and color parched Huma look like an unsure rabbit whose long front teeth had not been ground down by chewing on an abandoned tree log since ages ago…”

    Pfft. I can do this, too.

  3. Looks-wise, if the world were separated into ugly, not ugly, Huma is not ugly.

    This is what happens when leftists can’t help but go overboard with their ridiculous slobbering over their comrades.
    It’s so painfully overblown they’re just setting themselves up for the bracing and deserving blowback.

  4. Jacobson’s overblown prose made me queasy. What is wrong with these people? “…pools of empathy evolved through a thousand generations of what was good and decent in the history of the human race.” Muslims are what was good and decent in the history of the human race? Is he insane?

  5. I’m surprised she still has a face, every picture of her it looks like she’s trying to chew it off. Just look at those bucks, I would have thought that with all the unapproved double government salaries she could afford an orthodontist.

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