The Truth About Jerusalem – IOTW Report

The Truth About Jerusalem

Islam is a religion of peace. If any violence occurs, it’s all Donald Trump’s fault

8 Comments on The Truth About Jerusalem

  1. When the Mustards flip out and start randomly killing, is the Plan to Eliminate them with a Good Excuse ? This should definitely Lure them back to Gods Ant Farm, so maybe we can Seal them back in !!!

  2. I absolutely hate how they are constantly bombarding us with English accent personalitys, for everything from infomercials to news programs because apparently, they’re supposed to be intellectual. I give an exception to Mr.Watson.

  3. The Arab Middle East has always been the world’s persistently inflamed hemorrhoid. They don’t need a reason to be a pain in the ass! They just are! There ain’t a nickel’s worth of difference between the muzlim brotherhood, ISIS, or whutever they’re calling themselves… this week… and the Nazi Party of old Germany. Their so-called brand of “religion” is simply Fascism hiding under the umbrella of a “religion” which is Hell-bent on world domination by Arab supremacists through being the world’s master “religion”. This is a brutal, fascist, totalitarian political state without borders which is antithetical to Western Civilization. (actually any civilization)
    It’s… Just… That… Simple!

  4. Different Tim; you must really hate pbs and bbc america. I know I do. I wish we had a network where PJW could express his views on a nightly basis. Where is that conservative news network?

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