The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr. – IOTW Report

The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

FDR in Hell-

This provocative video profiles MLK (whose real name was Michael, not the religiously significant name Martin.) Michael plagiarized his way to a PhD and was a Communist whose mission was to transform American society. The video shows how much of the FBI allegations were true.

“Martin Luther King Jr. is not a legitimate reverend, he is not a bona fide PhD, and since his name isn’t really Martin Luther King, Jr., what we have left is a pervert, a traitor to America and a Marxist communist who backstabbed even the interests of his own people.” -youtube

The filmmaker says, “wake up to what’s still going on in America today, politically.”  – FDR in Hell

23 Comments on The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

  1. What I never could understand. This supposed great black man once said, and all the progressives and blacks swoon over the quote. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

    So how in the fcuk did we ever end up with Affirmative Action?

  2. Uh Fur, did you check the home url for the site where that video came from? Something is fishy about it. I suggest that you check on it by running the domain name in whois and search the name in your search engine of choice. Turns out this is a snuff site. Although the video is interesting.

  3. When I was a junior in college I did a paper on blacks in Russia for a political science class.

    Imagine my surprise when I discovered that MLK was indeed born Michael; his father changed his name and MLKs when he was 5 years old after a visit to Germany. I had spent my whole life hearing about MLK and never once heard that tidbit about him. Yesterday, for the first time during one of the infinite MLK commericals, this little fact was mentioned and the announcer said….”whose name was originally Michael but changed to ML to honor the great Lutheran preacher, whose teachings he espoused”. My instructor told me it was a right wing conspiracy (this was around the time they were trying to make his bday a holiday.)

    Read his writings (Stanford has a bunch of them) and really listen to his speeches. King sounded like a Christian, but he was anything but. Lots of facts about his theological background are coming to light…like, he denies the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ. And yes, he did some wonderful things for the civil rights movement in this country. When I was a kid, he was primarily referred to as Rev King, not Dr. Notice how the Dems have dropped all pretense of religion as it pertains to King. Not one biblical scripture is written on the walls of that horrendous commie statue down on the mall.

    He never preaches about Jesus and when he does, he refers to Jesus as a good person and puts Him in the same category as Ghandi and Socrates and God is one big universal dude whom everyone serves, no matter the faith.

    You best believe if he were alive today, he’d be right in the forefront of the BLM movement or vilified like Cosby (since they apparently shared the same proclivities. And don’t even get me started on that commie W.E.B. DuBois……

  4. Pretty much everything the video claims is true but the source is very discrediting. The video is a product of American Dissident Voices with Kevin Strom in conjunction with William Pierce. Pierce was the Chairman of National Alliance. Metapedia says “National alliance is an American White nationalist and White separatist organization.” Pierce’s other claim to fame was as an associate of the assassinated leader of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell, and as editor of the party’s ideological journal, National Socialist World. Perhaps a little more due diligence is in order?

  5. Many of the things about MLK in this video, I remember my father talking about in the 1960’s, including the communist schooling and the womanizing. Good stuff. I wish my dad was still around so I could thank him.

  6. If this is even half true it is too much. Thing is, when you read about this stuff (such as the Illuminati) your gut feel is that it is spot on.

    Then, you are pissed because you have been duped, then angry that we live in a world where if you say anything about it you can lose your job or worse.

    Finally, you want to DO something about it and if people are depending on you nothing comes easily to mind.

  7. Never been a fan of Martin Luther King, Jr. and I do not celebrate his birthdate federal holiday. I have always known of his communist leanings. He grew up in a Christian environment, yet he didn’t seem convinced Christianity was enough. He admired Ghandi and other leaders who clearly found no real legitimacy in Christianity.
    The Civil Rights Movement is just a variation of the passive tactic of victimhood – taught by Ghandi and Marxist doctrine. The article source makes sense. Some communists are truly pissed communism is not getting credit for one of the most successful socialist advancement in U.S. history.
    Many Christians, predominately in black communities are politically left so there isn’t a conflict with the leftist ideologies of Martin Luther King Jr. Take a closer look at the group’s who march and coordinate programs for his holiday – pagans, progressives and alphabet perversion representatives are comfortable claiming MLK, Jr. would support them. Also, it’s a given Martin Luther King, Jr. would fully support Obama if still alive.

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