The Truth About the NYC Terror Attack – IOTW Report

The Truth About the NYC Terror Attack


Diversity is not our strength, it’s literally killing us.

*spicy language warning*

8 Comments on The Truth About the NYC Terror Attack

  1. MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NYT, WAPO, and Peaceful Muslims fear white racist backlash
    from next weeks terrorist attack. ( Stolen without shame from Mark Steyn on FOX
    with Tucker Carlson.)

  2. It would have been better if the police had killed him, rather than shooting him in the leg.

    His being alive does more to keep him, his face, and name before the people, and just encourages further such behavior someone who wants badly to be “someone.”

  3. Moe Tom — You caught Steyn on Carlson tonight, too. Here’s the main part of his quote and a link if you want to bookmark it:

    “That’s because their stupid headline was ringing twelve-year-old bells. But Media-ite pretended to be shocked by my objection to it:

    “NBC’s headline is actually saying, ‘We care more about a hypothetical attack on Muslims that never comes, we care more about that than, say, for example the five dead Argentines being scraped off the pavement in lower Manhattan,'” Steyn said. “And that is actually a narcissistic and decadent intrusion upon the real news story…

    “I don’t know where they are having dinner tonight, but let’s say Cuomo and De Blasio, whatever restaurant you are in- if you walked in and yelled “Allahu akbar,” they would dive under the table like everybody else,” Steyn insisted. “They understand the distinction but they are committed to framing this issue in a way that assures there will never be strategic clarity about what is going on.”

  4. Thank you Abigail A. I’m a big fan of Mark, our “undocumented anchorman.” I’m in his club and I hear from him almost daily. His quotes are always on target and I steal them a lot and embellish a little. Hee, hee.

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