The Tweet That Cost an Idiot Transexual Millennial Intern “Her” Dream Job – IOTW Report

The Tweet That Cost an Idiot Transexual Millennial Intern “Her” Dream Job

Maybe if Jack “Adolf” Dorsey doled out the Twitter punishments equitably, and didn’t just attack conservatives, some of these snot-nosed millennials would know how to act on social media.



A Nasa intern has dramatically blown her chances of becoming the next great American rocket scientist by telling a veteran engineer to ‘suck my dick and balls’. A Twitter user known only as @NaomiH_official, who reportedly identifies as a transsexual ‘furry’, was so delighted about landing work experience at Nasa that she tweeted the words: ‘EVERYONE SHUT THE F*** UP. ‘I GOT ACCEPTED FOR A NASA INTERNSHIP.’

This attracted the attention of Homer Hickam, an author, Vietnam veteran, and ex- Nasa engineer who trained Japan’s first astronauts, who tweeted: ‘Language.’ The tweet provoked Naomi to roar: ‘Suck my dick and balls I’m working at Nasa.’ Unfortunately, it turned out the Hickam sits on the National Space Council which oversees Nasa. The over-enthusiastic Tweeter’s internship offer was then revoked. This provoked a furious response from other Twitter users, who sought to find evidence of various phobias or prejudices behind Hickam’s ‘Language’ tweet before launching a flurry of personal attacks on Hickam.


‘I feel kind of bad for @naomiH_official,’ tweeted artist Thaily Brimstone. ‘Who wants to get their tone policed by old white men on the internet?

Suck my d**k and b**ls Thaily Brimstone.

(desk and bowls)

ht/ jd hasty



As this idiot’s “friends” attack Homer Hickam, calling for the banning of old white guys online, and cursing him out.. this via  





30 Comments on The Tweet That Cost an Idiot Transexual Millennial Intern “Her” Dream Job

  1. What?
    Words and actions have consequences?
    They never encountered this in Public School.

    @naomiH_official —– please drop by the office to receive your participation trophy.

  2. GAWD! How hard is it it to be grateful and excited! Not stupid-so so stupid.
    Life isn’t a ComicCon.
    Would this person show up to work dressed in business attire or as a fuzzy bunny?

  3. Because NASA was built by old white men, so they might want to have a say in how you express yourself in relation to their creation.

    Thaily is a little bit of a hypocrite since they are hyper sensitive about people appropriating content for their artwork, which includes Furry porn (not going to link it).

  4. So Homer Hickam want’s to get it back with NASA in a position “better than what(she) lost.” Homer is a Dick!
    @naomi would better suited in the Pentagon of Starbucks.

  5. Now the furry tranny is on twitter telling everyone that Homer is a good guy in this.

    This has become a tale of how asshole buttinski SJWs make things WORSE with their pig pile mentality.
    They can all suck a giant dick.

  6. How can you be applying for a NASA internship and not know who Homer Hickam is?

    And no young lady should ever respond that way, to anyone, ever, regardless.

    I would never hire anyone who reacted this way in a public forum. Hickam is being far too kind.

  7. Tony- that is probably the only reason he/she/it was considered for a job- diversity and affirmative hiring.


    Christy944- “And no young lady should ever respond that way, to anyone, ever, regardless.”
    no young lady should have a ‘dick and balls’ to suck,’ in the first place. Or, at least that is how it used to be.

  8. Homer is killing it with kindness. Soon the little trans will be widely know throughout the aerospace industry as the trans with an attitude problem.

    Usually engineers like to be noted for their abilities but if this the life it choose, then it can live with the consequences.

  9. Loco I remember posting here years ago “From General Ike to General Dyke.” That’s when the first Lesbian became a General. For fook sake!
    I took my own poll last Tuesday night at the Club. In 2020 Trump will get 73 million votes. Mark my words.

  10. I love old white men. They tell me great stories and jokes. Old black men too! When the kids and I visit the retirement home, it’s the old men that make it easy and fun to do this. All others just talk about their ailments.

  11. Homer is just as nuts as Naomi, I’d call it buy the male name but I have no idea what that would be…maybe Dick or Peter? Sorry if anyone here has those names, I was referring to what it said to do with him.

  12. Thankfully there will be one less person on the federal dole for useless expensive surgery and hormone therapy treatments. Anyone who can’t figure out their sex shouldn’t be engineering anything going into space.

  13. Remember in “Apollo 13” when the one astronaut lost out on the mission because they thought he was sick. Did he tell everyone to suck his dick and balls? No. He took it like a man and went home to get drunk in private to drown his sorrow. Then, when needed the most, he stepped up and saved the mission!
    I doubt “IT” would have the fortitude to even come close…

  14. I’m sure the race is on to find a replacement. Crying gd shame aptitude won’t be the determining factor, they are scrambling like hell to find another tranny, preferably a black one.

  15. Homer is making sure there will be “no black mark” on her record…which just triggered the next phase of outrage. Geeze, he was so close to having this thing wrapped up, too.

  16. If they hired a piece of shit like that to be an intern in the first place, then I guess we can chalk up NASA as yet another key institution being handed over to perverts and degenerates.


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