The Twisted Logic of a Low-IQ “Religion” – IOTW Report

The Twisted Logic of a Low-IQ “Religion”

For the most part, Muslims have low IQs. There. I said it. Refute it.

Pakistani Village Orders Rape Of Teen Girl For Brother’s Crime.

 DCVillage elders in Pakistan ordered a 17-year-old girl to be raped as retribution after her brother was accused of raping another 12-year-old girl, media reported Thursday.

The 12-year-old told her mother she was raped while cutting the grass, and her mother then reported the crime to the village elders, reports CNN. The elders determined that a fitting punishment would be to rape the eldest sister of the male perpetrator of the crime.

“Her mothers and sisters all protested this but the elders brought out their guns and threatened to kill them,” the police report said.

It’s not unusual to punish family members with rape in Pakistan. In 2002, a tribal court ordered a woman to be gang raped after her brother was accused of having sex with a woman from another tribe.


20 Comments on The Twisted Logic of a Low-IQ “Religion”

  1. I remember reading, a long time ago, about a woman (in some raghead country) who was raped, and, after her rapists had been stoned to death, was given lashes for having participated (however much against her will) in the act.

    Those “people” are beyond fucked up.
    They are evil incarnate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anonymous is very close to correct. If the girls aren’t honor killed they’ll be shunned and likely forced to leave the family and the town. It’s only a thin veneer of civilized behaviour that covers most of these barbarians. Barbarians with nucleat weapons.

  3. I’m sure all of America’s feminists will be up in arms over this. If they really, really get mad, they might even do a twitter campaign. That’ll show those savages.

  4. But… but… The Prinxesses of Ivies, who were smaht enough to have people buy them titles, have explained (quite slowly) that America is Governed of, by, and for The Bestest and Brightestest. That’s why we need (Englishter) Asian H-1B technology experts. To do the jobs that America’s Bestest and Brightestest are incap… I mean, uh, too busy, um, serving America… to do.

  5. The problem is in the core of the culture. The only fix is to reformat the cultural hard-drive and install an entirely new O.S.

    If they want to keep the flair of “wacky religion” there are plenty to choose from. They can do J.W. 1.8- down side- the occasional person will bleed to death but that is much more rare than a court ordered rape and when you factor that their current O.S. murders people for apostasy & Adultery even with the ban on blood transfusions there will still be a net savings in human life. They could even do Scientology 3.2 and that would be an improvement Islam .742.

  6. Inbred and psychotic are not what you want running a country or your next door neighbor. 15 centuries of marriage to you cousin or siblings has led us to average IQ of 58 for these cretins who only know the unholy Koran.

  7. What kind of justice is that? The Code of HammuRAPEy? Your sister’s eye for an eye? Shouldn’t the one getting raped in retribution be the one who actually did the raping in the first place? These creatures have no place in a civilized society.

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