The U.S. Army Is Developing a Tactical Bra – IOTW Report

The U.S. Army Is Developing a Tactical Bra

PJMedia: As part of the military’s ongoing efforts to accommodate soldiers of all shapes and sizes, the U.S. Army is in the process of developing the Army Tactical Brassiere (ATB). Prototypes are currently undergoing testing at the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM) in Natick, Mass.

The ATB design and development process kicked off with a soldier-centric survey administered through Soldier Touchpoints. “Soldier touch points… are immersive testing and feedback mechanisms through which Soldiers can provide valuable insights on how certain tools or equipment undergoing development will be used practically in the field,” explains the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC):

DEVCOM Soldier Center began issuing prototype sports bras to female Soldiers in October and November as part of a touch point designed to assess whether new, high-impact sports brassiere concepts developed as part of the Army Tactical Brassiere (ATB) program would provide optimum support, durability and comfort for combat and training use.

“The overall goal is to produce garments that not only protect the user, but reduce the cognitive burden on the female Soldier caused by discomfort and ill fit,” said Ashley Cushon, clothing designer and project lead for the ATB at the DEVCOM Soldier Center. “Achieving this will improve the Soldier’s overall readiness and performance levels, allowing them to focus on their mission,” she explained.

Female soldiers weighed in on the qualities and functionality they were looking for in their over-the-shoulder holsters, and the goal of developing a “tactical rather than sportswear item” was established. more here

42 Comments on The U.S. Army Is Developing a Tactical Bra

  1. Are they making these bras for the women in Rush’s fabled All American Amazon Brigade? Hopefully they won’t be one size fits all or most. I assume that the warhead bras must be the pointy ones that a lot of the women in 50 movies wore. Hubba, hubba!

  2. Sooooo … is the Air Force developing the “Strategic” bra?
    What absolute fucking nonsense – even the fucking Army no longer understands what “tactical” means.

    Maybe they meant “tactile?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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