The Ugly Side Of the Left On Display – IOTW Report

The Ugly Side Of the Left On Display

Kevin Williamson does a nice summary of all the recent examples of the Totalitarianism of the Left .

totalitarian left


Anyone who votes to give power to these people should be first in line to board the train to the gulag.

8 Comments on The Ugly Side Of the Left On Display

  1. Dr. Tar

    Please don’t link National Review.

    They have become such inveterate GOPe ball-lickers that I cannot believe I used to actually PAY for the magazine.

    And Williamson, like Goldberg, is a shining example of such self-induced, Trump-hatred inspired instupidation that it’s painful to see.

    Never has a cause so feeble, meaning the propping up the decadent GOPe, ruined so many young writing talents.

  2. On the “Second Revolution Clock”, it’s 11:50 pm…. and ticking.

    The only RESET button we need to hit is the one on the US Constitution. Let’s go back to 1788!!

  3. That post was sort of a test to see if folks here could tolerate NR anymore, apparently not.

    You know the post did name Kevin Williamson in bold.

    I don’t go to them too often anymore because so many people dislike their attacks on Trump. But I can’t promise I won’t post one from there now and again if it’s a good read.

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