The Ukrainian Government Issues an Official Blacklist of Americans – IOTW Report

The Ukrainian Government Issues an Official Blacklist of Americans


The Ukrainian Government issued an official blacklist of Americans, Brazilians and others it accused of being Kremlin assets due to our opposition to the US proxy war – including Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker, Lula da Silva, Rand Paul, me and John Mearsheimer,…


The fucking audacity of Zelensky: constantly demanding more US resources and weapons – to the point our own stockpiles are depleted – then issuing McCarthyite blacklists branding American journalists and politicians (and Lula) of being Kremlin assets for opposing the US role.

5:44 AM • May 1, 2023

14 Comments on The Ukrainian Government Issues an Official Blacklist of Americans

  1. Ssshhhh . . .
    Heard on the GrapeVine

    A shitload of bunker dwellers gotten taken out just a little bit back in Time. Maybe even some Dual-National Americans.

  2. “Black List”? Isn’t that racist?
    Are there any blacks on the list?
    Was of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI),Ayanna Pressley (D-MA),Jesús García (D-IL)on Zelenski’s list?
    If not, He is racist for excluding the folks of color at the sametime as calling his list the “Black” List.

  3. Zelensky is letting the DC politicians whom he’s blackmailing with info on labs and money laundering who to cancel.
    His wife needs a new dress and he needs more olive drab thug clothes.


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