The Ultimate Identity Theft – IOTW Report

The Ultimate Identity Theft

Matt Walsh’s movie, What is A Woman, is nicely done.

Now do a sequel.

What is a Transgender Woman?

18 Comments on The Ultimate Identity Theft

  1. Who the F is Dana White other than another Shiney Headed one of Them.

    Shiney Heads are no longer really appreciated.

    Start growing some Hair.

    Spend your fortunes on Hair Pills.

  2. A “Transgender Woman” is a fag who dresses up like a woman – or a girl – depending upon whom he has set his sights.

    Men CANNOT transmogrify into women – and women CANNOT transmogrify into men.
    It simply can’t happen – and to pretend otherwise is one indication of, either, insanity, or a hidden agenda. That the media enables and “celebrates” this mental distemper (e.g. referring to this fag as “she”) should demand an utter and complete rejection of the media and their extensive and destructive lies – that it hasn’t speaks volumes on the efficacy of propaganda.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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