The Unhinged Airplane Karen That Punched, Spit and Scratched Elderly Man Over a Mask is an ex-Playboy Model – IOTW Report

The Unhinged Airplane Karen That Punched, Spit and Scratched Elderly Man Over a Mask is an ex-Playboy Model

Nudity below… don’t scroll if you don’t want to see.























































Her name is Patty Breton, and she also appeared on Baywatch

47 Comments on The Unhinged Airplane Karen That Punched, Spit and Scratched Elderly Man Over a Mask is an ex-Playboy Model

  1. FWIW:

    I have been having some serious fun with the mask shit.
    I re-use them over & over and they get quite dirty from my work gloves.
    People can’t say shit to me because I’m “legal” but the looks are priceless.
    To add insult to injury, I charge them for PPE on the invoice. The real purpose of the mask is to cover my ass legally esp. combined with video in all the buildings I service.

    I’m an asshole!

  2. @kcir (asshole)

    i went to drs office today, big clinic, receptionist tossed the standard mask on the counter top. I stared at it. Looked at her. Looked at it and thought how many virus’s are on that counter top? The whole dam mask thing is a joke, but piling on insult to injury.

    what a farce. Your greasy napkin you wear is as effective as theirs.

  3. Kcir, I made a mask out of a sweatshirt nearly two years ago.
    It’s the only one I have ever worn and this asshole Texas Hold’em dealer at The Orleans in Vegas always mentions my “homemade mask.”

    Fucking governor here still mandates that shit.
    That said, I don’t wear it in stores and nobody says shit.
    Casinos will toss your ass out.

  4. Charlie,

    That’s the point.

    It was not that long ago when Chicken Pox parties were all the rage among new moms when the concept & “Scoince” was to build up your immune system

    I change about 100 HVAC air filters a day, today was 5 different buildings in 2 different towns. Even if I wear a brand new N-95 mask tightly, I can still smell the type of Dust. Smell’s are molecule size while virus is much muck smaller.

    Even on the odd times I do put on a brand new fresh one, you can still smell perfumes, the bathroom odours, diesel.

  5. BTW, all you guys bitchin & moaning about fake boobs & makeup may I remind you of the pics we see on this site as a routine basis:

    Pelosi, bitches from the View, Choo-choo Pete, ball-sack masks, ANY democrat women, trans-men, trans-women, angry black women, Moocheele…

    So please, some perspective!
    Good grief!

  6. Attention, that’s what the whole ex-Playboy model turned Mask Nazi Karen is all about.
    Hollyweird must have rejected her – lots of wanna be so called “starlets” don’t make it.
    She was determined to be in the headlines, one way or another.
    Attacking someone for not wearing a mask got the lunatic the “close up” she thinks she deserves.

  7. She does have the “I want to kill you” look about her. Yep, they’re out here. I don’t plan to become one of their victims, Karen will be taken down. HA! Two women in Costco approached me and told me to put a mask on. I told them to fuck off. They had the nerve to say to me “that wasn’t a nice thing to say.” I told them since when do they have the right to tell me what to do. What’s nice about that? Now go fuck off! They high stepped it away from me. 🙂

  8. She’s got a birthmark that looks just like a staple…

    You don’t want no bloody literature
    You just like the pictures
    You don’t know what all the words are for
    You just like those fixtures
    Soft core, but you’re afraid to make the grade
    Hard sell
    She’s got a birthmark that looks just like a staple
    She’s from New Jersey; she wants to be an actress
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    Hard sell, soft core
    Hard sell, soft core
    -Ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    Full color separation, mouth and eye
    Won’t be recorded by the Kodak eye
    Eye, eye, eye, eye
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    It’s not the fiction that you keep in your head
    The photograph folded under your bed
    Hard sell, but you’re afraid to make the grade
    Soft core
    Hard sell, soft core
    Hard sell, soft core
    -Ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore ore
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it to them
    Thin skin, paper thin
    You win
    Fantasize you’re giving it


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