The United States of Mexico – IOTW Report

The United States of Mexico

Jet Jaguar sent this in. It’s a picture he took in Fort Worth, Texas at a gas station.

Particularly in today’s political climate, this can be off-putting.

Are they selling Mexican gas? Is this a Mexican restaurant? Or are they saying that Mexico is within Texas and within the United States? Don’t know.

TexMex used to be cute. Not so much anymore, not when the left hates America so much and would like nothing more than the entirety of Mexico to make a run for the border  former border.


25 Comments on The United States of Mexico

  1. @Vietvet – I agree. I don’t think it likely the flag is a political or social “statement”.

    When overseas, it was not uncommon to see the American flag being flown by someone who was either simply a fan of the U.S. or was trying to attract/cater to American customers.

  2. The same flag is waved in sports statiums here by the ingrate invaders to show their contempt. I despise the brass they have doing this. Try the same thing in their home country and see how they react.

  3. It’s a border state. I see businesses fly Canadian flags up here in the Frozen Tundra all the time. Ever been in an ice arena that has youth hockey? Guess what you’ll see on the wall? A fucking Canadian flag. Even in Albuquerque, NM. Ask me how I know that.

  4. When you toss the great number of illegal “immigrants” crossing our southern border into the equation, as well as so many of their other behaviors inside our borders, flying that flag is a helluva lot different from MT businesses flying Canadian flags and Canadian businesses flying ours. Unless I’m horribly mistaken, there aren’t a lot of American citizens trying to enter Canada illegally (excepting the hysterically weeping snowflake contingent) and claiming government benefits and privileges and vice versa.

  5. talk about a nothingburger article….

    OMG they are flying the Mexican flag next to ours and the texas state flag…..!!!!

    Lets all read into this and speculate and point fingers and RAGE at the sky of the injustice of it all and bla, bla, bla,

    Did ANYONE bother to go inside and ask WHY they are doing it?
    Does ANYONE care?
    Must be a S-L-O-W news day since we have not heard about Roseanne farting in the last 3 seconds…..

  6. cslamer-
    OMG!!!!Do you own the gas station? No? Then calm the fuck down and enjoy your nothingburger with sheesh!

    “Must be a S-L-O-W news day since we have not heard about Roseanne farting in the last 3 seconds…..”

    Yeah, 30 + articles a day here, wide range of topics, and this is what set you off? Did you even go and look around here today???
    Do you even know why you’re agitated??? Was it a slow day for you???

    Anyway, really enraged makes a good point.

  7. cslamer –

    Slow news day? No, not particularly.
    This post, as it said at the top, was reader generated.
    A reader who lives in Fort Worth is not particularly happy with the Mexicanization (Mexican version of Islamization) of his community.
    I read his concern and I gave it a forum because I do that for the readers.

    If you can’t appreciate that and do not think think that perhaps your personal local concerns would possibly need a forum like that, well, then, I don’t know what to say to you.

    Maybe you can go to another blog that really doesn’t give a frig about its readers?
    Or you can stay and appreciate the value I can provide.

  8. Furthermore… we published 33 stories today as of this comment. Exactly 2 dealt with Roseanne.
    So, I’m not really getting a feeling of any thoughtful or researched gripe out of you.

  9. They signal they are Mexican this way and Mexicans come to do businees more easily.

    They fly the American flag to keep Americans off their backs.

    I wouldn’t put ANY political spin on it. Business and they are pandering to Mexicans. “Buy here. We are alike.”

    I pass this stuff every day. The car lots along Garland Rd are like that. The stores do it too. I got told, at a certain inspection shop, That they don’t do inspections.

    I know the owner. I was just a white guy to them and they played dumb.

    About 30 mins later, I found it amusing to be standing in the shop with them while my car was getting inspected. They weren’t too chatty.

    I am in a minority in the neighborhood I grew up in.

    Flag etiquette from Mexican Nationals that have no clue about it and no allegiance to America? Yeah, not going to happen.

  10. The Mexican flags don’t belong there, but actually, it is permitted for the Texas flag to fly at the same level as the US flag. It is the only state flag that is permitted to do this. Texas is the only one of the 50 states that was a sovereign nation when it joined the US and as part of the agreement signed between the two nations, Texas enjoys many benefits that other states don’t. Texas only agreed to join the US if it retained the right to keep it’s state lands from becoming federal lands. That’s why there is virtually no federal land in Texas except for military bases. Big Bend National Park only exists because it was a gift to the people of the United States from the people of Texas. The four national forests in East Texas were purchased by the US government from private land owners. Even though the Texas flag is usually flown below the US flag, it is permitted under the annex agreement between Texas and the US for it to be flown at the same level.

  11. Some people decorate with flags like they do with flowering plants. Although I do agree with all the feelings spoken above.

    Anyone else offended that a gas station is selling gyros? They’re appropriating my culture!


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