The Useless Left – IOTW Report

The Useless Left

AmericanThinker: The principal distinction between the right and the left is that the former is rich and the latter is poor.  The principal distinction is that the right is filled with people who work in real jobs that produce valuable goods and services while the left is infested with people who do not work or do useless work, like lawyers, professors, and community organizers.

Consider the occupations of the last few nominees of the two parties.  The Republicans nominated men who had been war heroes (Dole and McCain and George H. Bush) or businessmen (George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and Trump), while the Democrats have nominated lawyers (Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Hillary Clinton) or Gore, whose “occupation” defies description.

Who supports Republicans?  Principally folks do work of value, like producing food, healing the sick, growing cotton, drilling oil, building houses, mining coal, protecting us as policemen and soldiers, healing the sick.  Productive people.

Who supports Democrats?  Principally those sloths whose “work” has nothing of real value to ordinary Americans at all like sociology professors; government bureaucrats; public school administrators; blood-sucking lawyers; and, of course, that vast army of leftists who live off welfare and other entitlements and who do not even pretend to do any work at all.

What would America look like if all the leftists left our land?  MORE

7 Comments on The Useless Left

  1. BF
    No one will come along and do that because it’s an occupational hazard that even honest, well-meaning people catch once they are in office and that is an insatiable appetite for taxpayer money!

  2. Billy – The continuance of paying taxes is born out of the ill-advised idea of “If we pay them off, they’ll leave us alone”. Paying ‘tribute’ has always turned out badly for those who pay.

  3. Many of the so-called “left” are incredibly, filthy rich through grifting, corruption, acting, directing, sports, and other entertainments. Most of the people who have become filthy rich through pure, dumb luck (actors, musicians, movie producers, arbitrage traders, currency manipulators, maggots like “facebook” and “twitter”) convince themselves that they’re intellectual giants who have the right and the duty to direct the lives of the great unwashed.
    Hence, their insufferable, boring, phantasmagorical bloviating pontifications about what the world “needs to do.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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