The Vaccination could be a death sentence – IOTW Report

The Vaccination could be a death sentence

Watch this immunologist explain what could happen after you are vaccinated.

Very, very troubling and scary.

Your body can begin attacking itself if you run into a new strain of coronavirus.

ht/ kpark

19 Comments on The Vaccination could be a death sentence

  1. I didn’t watch this but I suspect the basis is that the mRNA can cause autoimmune issues which is why there has not been a SARS based vaccination, the past trials have been deadly when the individual or animal gets sick after getting the vaccination. And you don’t know how it will react to the next versions of Covid. For me there is way too many drawbacks to taking any type of medication for a virus I have a 99.6% or higher chance of surviving so Pfizer can make billions (same company that has had to pay settlements in the past).

  2. I work for a hospital and since last week they have been urging me to take the vaccine. Everyone in my department has but three of us. We are now having an emergency meeting to see if they can convince those of us to take the vaccine with out actually forcing us with our jobs, which I know they can’t (yet!). The CDC has lost all credibility with me and that is where the job keeps telling me to go for information on the Pfizer vaccine. I won’t take it!

    God Bless us all!

  3. I don’t know where the information is, but I’m pretty sure (statistically speaking) that numbers of peeps die every year from vaccinations (same peeps don’t die every year, different peeps each year).

    There must be some percentage of mortality that’s deemed acceptable to the “medical” community but if you’re one of the ones within that percentage, then it’s just too bad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just remember the science. If a medication has a 60 year record as being a safe treatment for malaria, it is an unknown quantity. Best to ban it, even if it means the entire economy of the Western world collapses

    But if a completely unknown treatment causes any problem, then you’re being hystercal, you anti-vaxxer nutjob

  5. It’s just a new vaccine and everything unique and new, whether a vaccine or something else, needs beta testing and that requires beta testers.

    AFIK, no one is being forced to beta test it, they’re all volunteers.

  6. My wife is a nurse, and she took the first part of the Phyzr vaccine two weeks ago. So far, she feels fine. And that third arm that grew out of the back of her head comes in handy for back scratches.

  7. The plot thickens!! I have to sign a declination of vaccine form. I can refuse to sign that too, but then it has to be witnesses.

    Big Brother is coming!

    God Bless us all!!

  8. Mary Hatch
    Is your hospital “overwhelmed”? Like the media wants us to believe.
    The Vaccine is 95% effective that you will have Covid. Covid is 99.5%, not fatal.
    Although I do understand the science of gene manipulation, is it just a set up for whatever is next?
    Also, what is going to happen with health insurance, now that “everyone” has a pre-existing condition?

  9. The really strange part about my hospital is it’s end of life care/hospice. We had I believe two COVID cases and that’s it. My boss who I really like, seemed rather upset with me because I wouldn’t take the vaccine. He tried hard and kept asking me what’s bothering me about it. He is a Biden lover and Trump hater. I need this great job and can’t argue, so I never do. I just told him, I’m not comfortable right now taking the vaccine. If they push more, I’ll tell them “my body, my choice”.

    God Bless us all!

  10. Oh and just so you know, the hospital I work at is in Bronx, NY and Me, Shawana and Sandrina would not take the vaccine. Everyone else did! So they can’t blame it on a lack of diversity!!!

    God Bless all!


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