The Vaccination Game – Get Shot and You Take Off Your Mask in Jubilation – IOTW Report

The Vaccination Game – Get Shot and You Take Off Your Mask in Jubilation

 h/t Brainwashings “R” Us

18 Comments on The Vaccination Game – Get Shot and You Take Off Your Mask in Jubilation

  1. Unrelated:

    Tampa Bay (a free State) is heading into the 3rd Period against The Montreal Nazis tied 1 – 1.
    Tampa leads the series 3 games to Fuck All!

    If they win this game The Stanley Cup returns to Florida along with The Bucks & Brady’s Superbowl.

    Good Luck Free America!

    I want to see a 4 game sweep against the only Province in Canada to have an actual CHYNA_FLU-19 CURFEW!

    Also Motherfucker Turdeau is from Quebec

  2. how is this not a form of child abuse?

    when they have to resort to peer-pressure brain-washing on impressionable children, ask yourself, is it really necessary or beneficial? … or control?

    “Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
    SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
    Kam’raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
    Marschier’n im Geist in unser’n Reihen mit.”

    … sing it, my liebschins!

  3. Too bad for them, Fauci and the medical community that takes their lead from him are saying even the “vaccinated” must wear masks to protect themselves and others from the Delta variant.

    It’s never going to stop or at least they don’t intend for it to ever stop.

  4. When the proletarian women are all barren the global elite’s dreams will be achieved. The men fall out from heart illnesses. They are rid of us, except for those they curate for their own uses. Review the literature: the world’s carrying capacity for humans is about five hundred million.

  5. There should be a news source that on a daily basis gives a head count of the vaccine related deaths. Then talk about how it’s a new high in vaccine deaths, etc.
    I would absolutely laugh my ass off.

  6. Looks like a Jewish school.
    Did the parents not teach their kids about this kind of bs learned from history?
    Doesn’t look like it. Looks more like a brainwashing camp.

  7. The Vaccination Game – Get Shot and You Take Off Your Mask in Jubilation

    It should read “The Vaccination Game – Get the jab meet the slab” no mask required.


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