The Valravan – The World’s Tallest, Fastest, Longest Dive Roller Coaster – IOTW Report

The Valravan – The World’s Tallest, Fastest, Longest Dive Roller Coaster

As the guy in the front seat said, “this is terrifying.”

HT/ FDR in Hell.

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Read about it at Wonderful Engineering

10 Comments on The Valravan – The World’s Tallest, Fastest, Longest Dive Roller Coaster

  1. Sign me up!

    I went on Kingda Ka with my 11 year old son years ago. Acceleration was unbelievable, and my eyelids were flapping hard against my eyeballs as it reached 128 mph. Then it shoots straight up 458 feet, does a hairpin turn, and drops your terrified ass 418 feet right back down, with a couple whoop-dee-doo hills to bring you back to reality.

    At the top, interrupting my sincere prayer to Jesus for safety, my son said, ‘Dad, look how small the cars look from up here’.

  2. Ooh, goodie! It’s been well over 10 years since I was at Cedar Point and it looks like time for a return trip!

    The newer steel frame coasters are way faster and loopier than the older wooden frame jobs, but I still somehow miss the rattles and “give” of rides such as the Rebel Yell at King’s Dominion in VA.

  3. Never went on one of those feet-dangling horizontal cab coasters before. (Never will. My time is past.) Waiting for the inevitable gruesome selfie coaster accidents involving one of those.

  4. Cedar Point isn’t that far. I need to go. Husband is like Mr. Mxyzptlk and will have nothing to do with amusement park or fair rides. I do miss the sound of the sound of the old wooden coasters.
    If you like old carousels Pullen Park in Raleigh, NC has a a very special restored Denzel carousel.

  5. I was thinking the same thing Uncle Al-remembering The Bobs at Riverview and the clackity-clack and the wood straining. Lots of time when you’re ascending to look at the weathered wood and wonder how well their inspectors did checking it out after another brutal Chicago winter.

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