The Vast Majority of the Press is Certainly the Enemy of the People – IOTW Report

The Vast Majority of the Press is Certainly the Enemy of the People

Jim Acosta went on a MSM-serving rant and tried to hector Sarah Huckabee Sanders into denouncing president Trump’s remark that the “press is the enemy of the people.”

The press most certainly is. It’s not even arguable at this point. The country is polarized politically, and the press is politicized, so it’s a no-brainer.

The right knows that the left-wing press regards them as deplorables, rubes, idiots, racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, bigots, speed-bumps, and annoying hinderances to their Utopia and we must be eradicated. They write about it openly.

The left regards the right-wing media as the enemy. Fox (which isn’t all that right-wing anymore) is said with a disdainful sneer whenever referred to by a lefty.

So the president is correct.

The NYTs just hired a woman who openly has disdain for white people, calling for their eradication.

They explained this away by saying she was simply mirroring the type of rhetoric she gets from white racists.

That doesn’t explain her tweets about cop hating and advocating that ALL men be killed.

At the very least you can say the NYTs, the dean of all media, is the enemy of cops, white people and all men.


18 Comments on The Vast Majority of the Press is Certainly the Enemy of the People

  1. Yes, the walls are closing in on a fuming Jim Acosta, sitting alone, in his bathrobe, lashing out in frustration on Twitter at 4:00 AM, obsessed with an insult. Sad!

  2. Trump has their number and he went after them again in PA last night. If Acosta thinks screaming at Potus and his staff is going to earn back the public’s trust I can’t wait to see what else they come up with.

  3. Relabel the media a “Enemies of Truth” not enemies of the people. They will spend more time defending their horseshit than reporting falsehoods.

  4. Sanders went through a litany of anti-social acts committed by the MSM including harassing conservatives in private settings, personal name calling, personal attacks on Trump and members of his administration, threats of violence, etc. etc., and Jim Acosta has the nerve to say “o.k., but tell us we are not the enemy of the people.” The man is a like a spousal abuser; yes, I beat you, I degrade you, I treat you like a second class citizen, but please tell me you love me.

    Opinion journalists have a right to push a political agenda, but supposedly Acosta and the company he works for are self-proclaimed “true journalists.” That’s bullshit, and the public hates being deceived. Everything from the way stories are presented, or not presented, or edited, or even their rotation and placement in a newscast or newspaper is designed to denigrate Trump, still deify Obama, and push the far left agenda.

    No, we don’t love you, and your actions should be questioned. The media gets no free pass, and it’s up them to earn and keep the trust of the public.

  5. “hey explained this away by saying she was simply mirroring the type of rhetoric she gets from white racists.’ And I’m just mirroring the rhetoric I get from black, brown and liberal racists.

  6. MSM Fake News – Putin’s useful idiots to encourage disharmony and chaos in the country. There’s your collusion right there pal – especially when linked to the Obama/Hillary/Comey/Clapper/Brennan & co. conspirators.

  7. I really thought all the hysteria, hate and hyperbole would wind down after awhile when the collective left, like a tantrum-throwing child who finally wears himself out, finally shrugged, took a breath and decided to move on.

    I was wrong — they continue invent things to be outraged by and almost gleefully ratchet up the vitriol. As amusing as some of their ludicrous comments and reactions can be, I fear that the real shit is going to hit the fan soon. I actually saw a thread the other day where an “educated” leftist moron was this close -><- to advocating a massive shooting spree to rid the country of all the idiots who support Trump.

    If it goes bad, it will go bad quickly. Have a plan.

  8. this is like something my momma used to say:
    you can wish in one hand and shit in the other, and when you put em together, what da ya have?

    well momma, now i konw.
    You have Jim Acosta’s wish, CNN, and the MSM stuck on your hands in the form of shit.

    thank you momma. you always said you gotta learn by doing.

    now if you’ll excuse me momma, i’m just gonna go wash my hands.

  9. The problem they have is that they are so totally one with the progressive movement that they have bought their entire line of bullshit, including the part about truth being a relative thing. Their truth is whatever they need it to be at the time.

    Their acolytes most certainly do not believe in objective truth and are openly hostile to the truth when it does not fit their agenda.

    Poor bastards are being schooled by the master. THere isn’t a day goes by that I am not more impressed at how Trump plays them.

  10. The Press may not be an enemy of the country, but Jim Acosta and his band of lying, egocentric press interlopers certainly are such. I’m so tired of their childish, transparent attempts at fictionalizing anything not on their far left agenda.

    Give it up, Jim, you just can’t play nice, so isolate yourself. You’re rude to your own colleagues!

  11. Imagine if Yeb! were POTUS (or countless other spineless GOPees) and had to face these relentless attacks !

    There be profuse sweating, backpedalling at breakneck speed, the soiling of underpants……

    OTOH, we wouldn’t be where we are now (Winning!).
    We’d just be getting buried even deeper in the dismal shtistorm that is liberalism.

  12. Acosta truly doesn’t believe he and the rest of his ilk are doing anything wrong. To go with the wife-abusing theme, well, he only does what he does because he LOVES us and wants us to be the best we can be. He’s correcting our misbehavior and we have the raw nerve to not be grateful!

    He’s finding out the Deplorables don’t take abuse well at all. We don’t take abuse, period.


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